My raise? 2%. Pascal's raise? 68%. Wow, and I thought these were the Enterprise Years.

Pretty much spot on. You may see one or two get a "5" out of a region and that is only if they finish top 2-3% for COE. DSM here for many years. The DSM's get on a call or will have a face to face meeting as a group with the CBD. They fight for people (sometimes) in trying to have someone get a "3" when the numbers alone my reflect a "2". It is sad when you have a DSM who knows the market well that a PSS is in (loss of managed care plans for example) but won't make the effort because he/she is more worried about the optics on themselves. To me it shows a lack of leadership. Not a way to build loyalty in a team when a manager doesn't have the back of their reports (again, if the argument would have merit).

After the DSM has that meeting, the CBDs have the same meeting on their DSM's. This occurs in MAPS, scientific affairs, etc...

There is a bell curve and you must have a certain percentage of 1/2's. The meetings can get quite testy. Leadership will say a "2" is OK and based on the letter of the law it really is what many people would/should get. Hogwash! My feeling is 2018 will see more 1's and 2's than we have seen in quite some time. This will help set up future layoffs especially if they don't do one this year. Bevespi isn't close to hitting the number, Teva's Advair equivalent is out and already causing a stir (wait until the real A/B rated generic comes out-YIKES), Onglyza heart failure news is reflecting badly. Byd. Pen continues to get its head handed to it by Trulicity, Farxiga is only being sold as a free med. Not a way to achieve long term growth. New asthma biologic has a ton of hype w/ little real substance. Oncology looks strong. That's about it.

Prepare to be fed a line of BS around ratings. If you get a 2 be concerned. If you get a 1, sorry you are out regardless of past successes.
Time to thin the heard before the big ax falls!

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