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wow, EXCLUSION at its best


Hey AZ, this diversity mantra is really getting ridiculous. I agree that there needs to be a good cross section of our work force and the communities that we serve, as it is good for business. What I don't get though is a women's' conference today? Why do we need this here? Many of my partners are offended by this and being a female employee here, I'm not sure what the purpose or goal is. We should of had a all inclusive day with information shared across the company, remember that we are all valued and all have good ideas. So much for 1AZ, maybe it only applies when we are speaking about therapeutic areas and it directly benefits your needs. You should really get these conferences in check as the alienation here is palpable and the morale is absolutely deplorable.

Stop being self absorbed for a moment and think about what diversity has meant and not meant in the work place.

Despite all the talk about diversity, do you see women and minorities in any greater number of roles than white men? Nope.

They give this diversity thing lip service but do not back it up with action AT ALL. Do you know why? Because women like you buy into the "all lives matter" argument instead of standing up and saying that white male dominance is not fair, especially when there are different people who are just as qualified or more so. But I guess if you believe in the 14 words, you will continue to spew that kind of nonsense.

Stop being self absorbed for a moment and think about what diversity has meant and not meant in the work place.

Despite all the talk about diversity, do you see women and minorities in any greater number of roles than white men? Nope.

They give this diversity thing lip service but do not back it up with action AT ALL. Do you know why? Because women like you buy into the "all lives matter" argument instead of standing up and saying that white male dominance is not fair, especially when there are different people who are just as qualified or more so. But I guess if you believe in the 14 words, you will continue to spew that kind of nonsense.

BS. More and more sales positions are going towards diversity candidates.

BS. More and more sales positions are going towards diversity candidates.

Agreed. I am male and I have interviewed and lost several positions to female counterparts. you can make a case that SLT needs to do a better job of hiring women, but down here on the lower level, in my experience women are continuously getting the jobs over men

Agreed. I am male and I have interviewed and lost several positions to female counterparts. you can make a case that SLT needs to do a better job of hiring women, but down here on the lower level, in my experience women are continuously getting the jobs over men

Absolutely and it has been going on for over decades. I in management and have been told numerous times to hire the female or the minority even though I didn't think they were the best qualified. Then we hold meetings where we discuss how many female and minority managers are in each Region. It is strictly a numbers game not a quality game and that is why AZ has never successfully implemented a diversity strategy because it is all quantity and not quality. Then we allow failing minorities to remain in leadership positions long after we would have demoted or fired a white male leader.

Absolutely and it has been going on for over decades. I in management and have been told numerous times to hire the female or the minority even though I didn't think they were the best qualified. Then we hold meetings where we discuss how many female and minority managers are in each Region. It is strictly a numbers game not a quality game and that is why AZ has never successfully implemented a diversity strategy because it is all quantity and not quality. Then we allow failing minorities to remain in leadership positions long after we would have demoted or fired a white male leader.

All bullshit.

Absolutely and it has been going on for over decades. I in management and have been told numerous times to hire the female or the minority even though I didn't think they were the best qualified. Then we hold meetings where we discuss how many female and minority managers are in each Region. It is strictly a numbers game not a quality game and that is why AZ has never successfully implemented a diversity strategy because it is all quantity and not quality. Then we allow failing minorities to remain in leadership positions long after we would have demoted or fired a white male leader.

Hit the nail on the head.

Hey AZ, this diversity mantra is really getting ridiculous. I agree that there needs to be a good cross section of our work force and the communities that we serve, as it is good for business. What I don't get though is a women's' conference today? Why do we need this here? Many of my partners are offended by this and being a female employee here, I'm not sure what the purpose or goal is. We should of had a all inclusive day with information shared across the company, remember that we are all valued and all have good ideas. So much for 1AZ, maybe it only applies when we are speaking about therapeutic areas and it directly benefits your needs. You should really get these conferences in check as the alienation here is palpable and the morale is absolutely deplorable.

Don't blame AZ for answering to stock holders and running a company. We all know who does the Lion's share of work and they do it while others are on minority conference calls. I'm not lying and I'm not prejudiced. I just do what needs to be done just like HQ does.

Don't blame AZ for answering to stock holders and running a company. We all know who does the Lion's share of work and they do it while others are on minority conference calls. I'm not lying and I'm not prejudiced. I just do what needs to be done just like HQ does.

I'm from MI, displaced from CNS and totally agree. We called our district the great white north. LOL

Absolutely and it has been going on for over decades. I in management and have been told numerous times to hire the female or the minority even though I didn't think they were the best qualified. Then we hold meetings where we discuss how many female and minority managers are in each Region. It is strictly a numbers game not a quality game and that is why AZ has never successfully implemented a diversity strategy because it is all quantity and not quality. Then we allow failing minorities to remain in leadership positions long after we would have demoted or fired a white male leader.

Total BS. If you even had a clue you would know all pharma companies represent the exact percentage of races in the country. Right down to the T.

This diversity BS has been going on for years. Take a look at the Medical Affairs clowns. The poor women in Medical Affairs were so oppressed and so downtrodden in comparison to their white male counterparts that they had to go out and start their own group. They called it MAWLI, which stood for the Medical Affairs Women's Leadership Initiative. All they ever did was sit around and bitch about how unfair everything was within Medical Affairs. As you could well expect, they managed to gain enough traction to basically force leadership to start giving them key positions. Some of them may have deserved it but others clearly didn't.
They even went so far as to "invite" some of their male counterparts to join the group to help them meet their "career" goals. A few of the pussified men joined but eventually everyone learned that there is no such thing as a career in Medical Affairs. The whole thing is a sick joke to passify the female whiners and complainers. It's no way to run a business and, from the results, it really shows how twisted the whole concept really is. It's sick.

This diversity BS has been going on for years. Take a look at the Medical Affairs clowns. The poor women in Medical Affairs were so oppressed and so downtrodden in comparison to their white male counterparts that they had to go out and start their own group. They called it MAWLI, which stood for the Medical Affairs Women's Leadership Initiative. All they ever did was sit around and bitch about how unfair everything was within Medical Affairs. As you could well expect, they managed to gain enough traction to basically force leadership to start giving them key positions. Some of them may have deserved it but others clearly didn't.
They even went so far as to "invite" some of their male counterparts to join the group to help them meet their "career" goals. A few of the pussified men joined but eventually everyone learned that there is no such thing as a career in Medical Affairs. The whole thing is a sick joke to passify the female whiners and complainers. It's no way to run a business and, from the results, it really shows how twisted the whole concept really is. It's sick.

Spot on. 30 years in this field and it's pitiful what happened to MA.

Hey AZ, this diversity mantra is really getting ridiculous. I agree that there needs to be a good cross section of our work force and the communities that we serve, as it is good for business. What I don't get though is a women's' conference today? Why do we need this here? Many of my partners are offended by this and being a female employee here, I'm not sure what the purpose or goal is. We should of had a all inclusive day with information shared across the company, remember that we are all valued and all have good ideas. So much for 1AZ, maybe it only applies when we are speaking about therapeutic areas and it directly benefits your needs. You should really get these conferences in check as the alienation here is palpable and the morale is absolutely deplorable.

Imagine an all white call? That'll never happen as someone has to work.

This diversity BS has been going on for years. Take a look at the Medical Affairs clowns. The poor women in Medical Affairs were so oppressed and so downtrodden in comparison to their white male counterparts that they had to go out and start their own group. They called it MAWLI, which stood for the Medical Affairs Women's Leadership Initiative. All they ever did was sit around and bitch about how unfair everything was within Medical Affairs. As you could well expect, they managed to gain enough traction to basically force leadership to start giving them key positions. Some of them may have deserved it but others clearly didn't.
They even went so far as to "invite" some of their male counterparts to join the group to help them meet their "career" goals. A few of the pussified men joined but eventually everyone learned that there is no such thing as a career in Medical Affairs. The whole thing is a sick joke to passify the female whiners and complainers. It's no way to run a business and, from the results, it really shows how twisted the whole concept really is. It's sick.