Worst Recruting Company

This has to be the worst advise I've ever seen on a board. No, don't commit fraud.
Do you believe the recruiter is being honest with you? Do you believe sales objectives and performance measurements are always accurate. Do you believe the targets assigned to you are accessible? You really are a naive snowflake.

I did a face to face with these idiots. They put all of the older, experienced reps in a large room to await the hiring decisions. It was referred to as the reject room. None of us received any consideration. Our physician relationships and sales successes had no value.

Do you believe the recruiter is being honest with you? Do you believe sales objectives and performance measurements are always accurate. Do you believe the targets assigned to you are accessible? You really are a naive snowflake.

No I don't believe the recruiter and manager is being honest, same goes for the objectives and measurements. Targets as well and in addition the unachievable matrix that you have to lie about to achieve. But dosen't mean you totally commit personal fraud and lower your entire character for this loser Industry.

That's the problem w/ people like you calling someone a SnowFlake just because you think they literally have turn into a Liberal Democrat so you can justify your liberal ways. Some people actually have a little character. If you think committing fraud is a way to justify the means....Maybe you are the SnowFlake and needs to grow a set and take a stand for something a little bigger than yourself.

When you have been in the industry for 20 years and need to work about 5 more years, what are you suppose to do? Start at the bottom in another industry? What industry would want you over 50? Selling insurance? Getting into another industry after a certain age is very difficult. I don’t blame the recruiters. They find talent, they don’t do direct hiring.

When you need a job, you may need to lower your standards. If you are unemployed for over 6 months and over 50 the odds of getting a job are not great. At this point, I would take any pharmaceutical sales position and make it work.

If you are working, it’s easy to “not lower your standards”. “Standards” are for people who have jobs.

Same thing happened to me, so when I pulled up to an office, their is usually one person in the office that I really like....and would talk to them and then go about seeing the docs...it worked for me!

Do you believe the recruiter is being honest with you? Do you believe sales objectives and performance measurements are always accurate. Do you believe the targets assigned to you are accessible? You really are a naive snowflake.

The is a TV series call “American Greed” on CNBC, it’s about about people that create a Fraud and Fraud persona, you would be great for it. They all end up in jail.

Do you believe the recruiter is being honest with you? Do you believe sales objectives and performance measurements are always accurate. Do you believe the targets assigned to you are accessible? You really are a naive snowflake.

These recruiters are like wolves and the sheep buy into it like suckers.

This is pretty good advise. You have to lower your standards. I was in the Industry for 25 years. Literally hated it at the end. Took a Contract job just to appease myself at a reasonable lower pay level just to do it. I hated every second of it and left after 1 year. I've reinvented myself and now I have adult conversations w/ normal people day to day vs those childish DM Pharma conversations that happen over fake numbers and offices that don't see you.

You have to find at least something that appeases you. I went and got my real estate licence and Substitute teach HS now. It's all good and I'm around adults all the time now. Am I making a little less, sure but the peace of mind and being around adults is all worth it. That's just what I did and I like it, you have to find a fit that works for you.

I wouldn't even entertain having a conversation w/ one of those recruiters now. The industry is for kids now and there is absolutely no job security or can make a career of it.

The most accurate post on CP. No security, no career growth in sales and worse the managers riding with reps are a complete waste. Taking a DM into offices and hearing their BS lack of anything useful to say is horrible. I'm also looking to get out. I have 10 years in the industry and in comparison to other jobs I've had, this job or your role has zero value. Just imagine if someone came in your work space every 30 minutes trying to sell you something I'm sure you'd be pissed!

Kudos to you for finding something you like and where you can see real results and have real discussions with other professionals.

Quit trying to get back onto this leaky raft called pharma..noted all the posts about hating the job now of driving around and pretending to do something...You've got skills, find something interesting, profitable and go sell yourself into that instead of trying to get back into this kindergarten of pharma sales.

This is complete BS. I am over 50 and I got on a great contract make over $100k base.

I used to think I was being discriminated against too because of my age. Then I got this job
and was really glad I didn't get hired at the other companies. Some things just aren't meant to be.
Don't give up!

I wish cafepharma had a like button!