Worst Managers?

Sounds like Gene likes to hire and promote unqualified females. This is what happens when you promote based on gender and not qualifications. They reap what they sow. Too many sjw’s.

Females are desirable and rank much higher than the good old white boy males.
We need more diversity here. #metoo
Au contraire! I'm a female who's been at GNE for over 15 years. The WORST managers I've had have been females. For sure, there are many excellent female managers here but plenty of train wrecks who run off excellent people, fire reps who threaten their fragile egos, and continue to brown-nose the clueless RSDs. A few more lawsuits might finally convince HR to vet management candidates, train them, and censure them severely when they transgress.

Listen up here sweetie, you should step aside and stay home with your kids. Trust me, your hubby will be happier and your kids will grow up in a more healthier environment. They might start liking you. Go volunteer for the school PTA and be fulfilled. Gene is already tapped out on minorities and nasty females. You will thank me later for this valuable advice that only your shrink would have charged you for. Your welcome.
These kind are better not staying at home.....they only screw up their kids.

These kind are better not staying at home.....they only screw up their kids.
I have had both good male managers and female managers. I have had both bad male managers and female managers. The ones who were difficult to work with were the ones that had major egos. Everything had to be their idea or shown that they had coached the person who had the great idea. EXHAUSTING! I MAY ADD.
In my last few years in LGI I had the best two managers I have ever had. Both female both for the team both for the company, and both ready to help their employees develop to be the best they can be.
Stop the madness with all this female, male, black, white, hispanic, asian crap....we have been the most diverse company ever in the last 20 so years. I am sick to death of Diversity and Inclusion being at the forefront of everything we do. Move forward not backward. Peace out.

There are three grades of managers here - great, decent or lousy (both male and female), it is a shot in the dark that someone pushed up through the development process turns out half decent. My franchise has two nit wits who are frick and frack and clearly have decided that they will not trust their CS's to make sound business decisions in their territories while their counterparts have the full respect of their teams. It's unfortunate that they don't learn from the experienced peers on how to lead and trust, not to micro manage.
As for Bill's secret messages that led to the layoffs a few weeks ago, it's unfortunate that some FRM's weren't rocked a bit as they operate as if their positions are the heart of a territory. Mine is purely reactionary, has to be prodded to follow up on an issue that a customer brought up weeks prior and I have to go back in trying to explain why I can't address the issue or try to defend my FRM for not being as good a the competitors' reimbursement person. There are numerous ones who are doing the bare minimum and not being held accountable. This can also be attributed to the DM's who refuse to cross position lines to discuss this issue with the respective FRM managers.
Happy Thanksgiving

Au contraire! I'm a female who's been at GNE for over 15 years. The WORST managers I've had have been females. For sure, there are many excellent female managers here but plenty of train wrecks who run off excellent people, fire reps who threaten their fragile egos, and continue to brown-nose the clueless RSDs. A few more lawsuits might finally convince HR to vet management candidates, train them, and censure them severely when they transgress.

Very well said an unselfish, seems like you have human and leadership qualities, a straight shooter who is fair and balanced. You will never be a manager in pharma and that’s the whole problem in a nutshell. If your ego was fragile, you felt threatened or exploded at the last post I would say join the management training program immediately.

Very well said an unselfish, seems like you have human and leadership qualities, a straight shooter who is fair and balanced. You will never be a manager in pharma and that’s the whole problem in a nutshell. If your ego was fragile, you felt threatened or exploded at the last post I would say join the management training program immediately.
Ha! Ha! - definitely not management material in the current GNE. Bob & Herb stressed developing people like this but GNE lost its way....Roche Lives!!