Worst Amgen DM ever?

It’s really gotta piss him off that Kendra got the RD position and now she is the National Director. They used to have some really good blow outs during calibration time when they were both DMs. I guess Pat Campbell did not think that highly of him.

I surprised more people haven’t left because of the poor leadership/management at Amgen. The “leaders” that Amgen has chosen to “lead” the salesforce is scary (bad). When is the upper management going to see that middle management is no longer need in this Industry???

I surprised more people haven’t left because of the poor leadership/management at Amgen. The “leaders” that Amgen has chosen to “lead” the salesforce is scary (bad). When is the upper management going to see that middle management is no longer need in this Industry???

The middle managers at Amgen are truly inspirational leaders. I know I feel highly motivated each time I get to talk to mine. The RSD's are the best in the business, I am sure they are constantly fielding calls from other companies trying to scoop them up. Particularly the one in the OBU Hem division who wished someone a happy birthday after that person left more than a year earlier.

ISS reps should get paid nothing for Aimovig. they never did anything for Aimovig especially now that it's 20% only. They expect Nubu to do it all. It's shameful that they get paid and don't mention the product. they only focus on Repatha and then Otezla. I don't think my pcp rep ever brings up Aimovig and rarely even samples it.

ISS reps should get paid nothing for Aimovig. they never did anything for Aimovig especially now that it's 20% only. They expect Nubu to do it all. It's shameful that they get paid and don't mention the product. they only focus on Repatha and then Otezla. I don't think my pcp rep ever brings up Aimovig and rarely even samples it.
Wrong thread

One of the managers in NC has either fired or run off more reps than any manager in the industry and yet she receives "Coach of the Year". She was also on probation for a year due to "inappropriate and unprofessional actions" just a couple years ago. She's a "protected population" though so I'm wondering if that is the biggest reason why she's constantly rewarded for bad behavior. Great job Amgen.

The middle managers at Amgen are truly inspirational leaders. I know I feel highly motivated each time I get to talk to mine. The RSD's are the best in the business, I am sure they are constantly fielding calls from other companies trying to scoop them up. Particularly the one in the OBU Hem division who wished someone a happy birthday after that person left more than a year earlier.
So, apparently at Amgen, wishing a former employee makes a good manager. Hmmm. Explain that one.