Worst Amgen DM ever?

Mi Difi is insecure. He is paranoid. He is always asking what other people’s opinion is of him. Even on interviews, he wants to know what the candidate knows or has heard about him. He peppers his team with question about what other people have said about him. Smh!

EB in Nephrology Business Unit...not sure how a manic person in a constant state of psychosis got promoted to be a manger

she’s in over her head -EB your head is so far up everyone’s ass you don’t bring value -another YES -man Pon-no wonder everyone doesn’t respect you. The power has gone to your head

I just got interviewed too. They can block out your face during the tv segment if you want. Keep your documents, they are using. Think of top nighttime news shows that does tell-alls, they are taking all comers.

my interview was so satisfying ... I kept everything. they said they have about 60 others they are interviewing and they have been doing this for years