You can always call the business conduct hotline. Whatever you do, don’t call HR. HR works for the DM and not for the reps. And always...DOCUMENT... DOCUMENT... DOCUMENT!
He is an a$$hat!Hey MiDif, I hear you told your team you thought you would to be you that you didn’t win and KK won instead. He deserves it more than you. He actually cares about his team and coaches them versus talking about them behind their back.
I wish they would interview me!
It's hilarious that anyone is believing you. LOLI just got interviewed too. They can block out your face during the tv segment if you want. Keep your documents, they are using. Think of top nighttime news shows that does tell-alls, they are taking all comers.
It's hilarious that anyone is believing you. LOLI just got interviewed too. They can block out your face during the tv segment if you want. Keep your documents, they are using. Think of top nighttime news shows that does tell-alls, they are taking all comers.
Anyone know where she went?I concur-due to her aggressive and bullying behavior, her actions have made the entire business unit potentially lose access with our most important national customer -FMC.
When will the madness stop?
I've heard good things about Sue. I've heard she cares about her people and you were one of the ones who didn't work!
I've heard good things about Sue. I've heard she cares about her people and you were one of the ones who didn't work!
EB in Nephrology Business Unit...not sure how a manic person in a constant state of psychosis got promoted to be a manger
Good one Sue. You were hated by all at AZ. So glad your gone or should I say fired.
I just got interviewed too. They can block out your face during the tv segment if you want. Keep your documents, they are using. Think of top nighttime news shows that does tell-alls, they are taking all comers.
How can I sign up for this tell-all??!! I've got documentation galore.
Is this true? Is there a news program actually interviewing Amgen employees?? I would love to see that!! This is one evil company. The managers make Hitler look like a sweetheart.