Initials of this person?? I'm dealing w an HR issue as we speak & I have reservations about the lady I'm dealing with.
Initials of this person?? I'm dealing w an HR issue as we speak & I have reservations about the lady I'm dealing with.
Matt Murphy Neurology
The quote above comes from an excellent book that Amgen's useless HR dept should read. Also anyone w an Amgen manager you feel is treating you unfairly should read this. It applies to many I'm sure.
Wrong he is the real deal, well thought of. I do know everyone is in TO right now for NUBU, secret meetings not in the NUBU building. Hmmmm
More than hellivate so I'm told
K from ct
HR will continue to protect the managers. There is NOTHING you can do. Cannot even sue because you signed an arbitration. Once you identify an issue HR will shut you down and refuse to communicate any further because they know there is nothing you can do in court. Stay far away from this pathetic company.
What happens if you don’t sign it when you are hired? Can’t you still work for Amgen?Amgen requires forced arbitration? Wow. Sign of a sh*tty company that does not care about their employees, but they do care about their "reputation" and protecting the bad actors.
HR will continue to protect the managers. There is NOTHING you can do. Cannot even sue because you signed an arbitration. Once you identify an issue HR will shut you down and refuse to communicate any further because they know there is nothing you can do in court. Stay far away from this pathetic company.