Worst Amgen DM ever?

Some managers on this years-long thread are repeated time and time again & yet are still allowed to remain. How can upper management not see this?? I mean these a-holes are f'ing with peoples' livelihoods & Amgen turns a blind eye.

Do you realize the magnitude with which you’re truly dealing? Your worst nightmare is not your DSM. They are merely pawns & puppets in the Amgen fear-based culture game. Your fearful ESDs, VPs & GMs are the ones who pull the strings. They direct with “directive” coaching telling DSMs who gets put on a plan. Do you know your VP and Executive Directors literally put out “watchlists” by mid-July on all sales reps who have sales numbers in the bottom 30% in stack rank? If you’re there in the bottom 30 (not 10, bottom 30) your DSM is required to document in FCRs your ‘needs improvement’ in order to have enough documentation to legally put you on a performance improvement plan. Your DSM is merely a messenger in Amgen's fear-based management approach. If you truly want to focus on accountability, hold those beyond your DSM accountable. Most DSMs I know at Amgen care more about you than you may realize. Many of them are chastised on this list. Their hands are literally tied more than you will ever know. It’s a broken, toxic culture, The only fix for Amgen is for all high potential talent to walk away and find happiness elsewhere. There are so many talented reps and DSMs that exist at Amgen. Don’t allow yourself to put up with this, go find success and happiness elsewhere. It’s out there. You deserve it.