Worst Amgen DM ever?

He is a mental midget with a lot of issues. Ask him how much turnover he has had in his 3.5 years as manager? He has lost about 6 reps. He'll give you plausible reasons that you will find out is a lie. He will make you do his manager's work, screw up your calls, lie, and have telecons for two hours on stuff that an 8th grader should know. Run from this guy if you have a job, if not everyone has shoveled poop to get by.

Why hasn't BG filled this spot yet??

is the CV DM from Austin still there?

what a major league moron that guy was......

he eluded off the charts creepiness....had only bad ideas/ offices didn't want him around and he had NO control over meetings or much less his waste of time conference calls

Most reps on the team pretend to like him because they are afraid. He is too volatile! And he curses way too much!! Wish he would leave already.

MK can be very charming but that demeanor changes quickly when things don't go his way. He is like a two year old throwing a temper tantrum. Wish he would leave already!!

yeah, we are hiring all kinds of DM's across the country? Anyone know why this is--thought we were downsizing? There's several DM postings listed on the website. Did i miss something with all the DM's leaving it is this an expansion?