
My thoughts on Lincare since I just put in a one week notice!!

the good.....I was hired as a service driver for the Clearwater,Florida center. I will say the center manager there is FANTASTIC! he really cares about patients and his employees! and they do leave you alone to do your job and you do have the ability to work independently.

the bad.............. well, first off 13 dollars an hour to deliver LOX tanks in and out of patients homes, some homes so bad you have to spray yourself with Lysol when you leave!!

This particular center "milk jugs" its LOX tanks so you have to push them up steps, down steps, in and out of closets, and in and out of an ill equipped ford E350.What the F**k is Lincare thinking?? get a vehicle that works! and the pay??????????????????? now how can you afford to live anywhere on $13.00 a hour?? and lets not forget the benefits that cost $404.00 a month ( EMPLOYEE COST!!) for crummy insurance that will leave you with 80/20. So if I have a 100,000 medical bill I owe 20,000.00 try paying that back on 13 dollars an hour!
I don't get it, they will go thru many many service drivers on that pay! there benefits stink, your sick days are at 60% of your pay for I think the first year?
lastly, I was asked to become a driver trainer for the Florida area and I asked if that offers up a increase on my lousy $13.00 an hour and of course NO was the answer

shame on Lincare for hiring adults to work for wages that will not allow for a decent quality of life.

My opinion is


All Lincare's are the same, and they all suck.
Lincare is a joke. They only pay commissions on just a few of the insurances. Most sales reps make about $35,000 per year.

Well........difficult is one way of putting it.
What have you heard?

I can tell you that in my market, Lincare pays their sales reps (total package) less than what most pay just in salary (I am not naming names, but this includes national and regional players)

I woul say if you dont get a salary of at least 45K, you are below what the others pay, and commissions should bbring you to at least 75K. If not, then hold out for a job with a competitor, because believe me, the top dogs like Apria will pay better than Lincare. Lincare treats their employees like shit and pays them shit

I think it's funny that COMMISSIONED sales reps bitch about pay. If you are truly a good sales rep, then wouldn't you take ZERO salary for uncapped commissions?

What's even funnier, is COMMISSIONED sales reps want a bigger salary and better benefits, and are happy to brag about not being pinned down by high standards and having to work hard.

This is why you are all losers in life. In fact, even if you make TWICE as much in salary, that just goes to prove why you probably think your children are the smarter than other parents...

But, I digress. Unfortunately, working your a$$ off for a decent wage is no longer a value held in this country... That's why Apria still exists.

Ever heard of NEEDING a job in a bad economy? That's why you'd accept a job at a certain pay rate. Lincare takes advantage of peoples need right now. I don't know how people are expected to live or support a family on what they pay.

I agress, If you don't like the offer, step aside and let someone who will. It is like any position. if you don't like it, move on. You alone made your bed, either sleep in it or find another place to sleep. However I do agree that the pay at Lincare sucks and the company is only making headway by paying off the referring Doctors. Everyone in the business knows that Lincare management are nasty people and shit roll down hill forceing us drivers to do a dump and run. Forget about training the patients.

Lincare is a Medicare scam and eventually the Feds will figure it out. The execs are just going for the Medicare money so the patient and the employee are not important. Most companies work toward good employee relations but lincare's astronomical employee turnover is no worry to the execs. They have no desire to share their Medicare money with employees. Look at the history. When you file your complaints with the gov be sure to describe how all the centers are run exactly the same, how the elderly Medicare patients are not allowed to decline the med reorders that lincare forces on them, how the employees are chastised if they accept no for an answer. In all complaints explain what was going on with the Medicare money. Many many whistleblowers are trying --they have mistreated so many employees--some honest hardworking American is going to hit this jackpot.

I've been with lincare for a long time and worked five different centers and each one is different in all the same ways. All about pt care. This is a great and amazing job to have ! Not sure why people complain so much because if they actually had to work a real job ( strenuous ) they would be happy with 10 bucks an hour ! Liquid is harder to some but again it's all easy compared to a hard manual labor. Everyone thinks they are underpaid but truth is most people want to get paid the most to do less. I will retire from this company and be proud of it.

I've been with lincare for a long time and worked five different centers and each one is different in all the same ways. All about pt care. This is a great and amazing job to have ! Not sure why people complain so much because if they actually had to work a real job ( strenuous ) they would be happy with 10 bucks an hour ! Liquid is harder to some but again it's all easy compared to a hard manual labor. Everyone thinks they are underpaid but truth is most people want to get paid the most to do less. I will retire from this company and be proud of it.

Great story Greg tell me more you whiney tooth bastard.

I'm sorry you hate your job so much but take a look in the mirror. If you hate it so bad just quit. Right now I am paying your bills.

Ive been with Lincare for 13 1/2 years and I dont plan on leaving anytime soon, I started out at $10 a hou and now make over $17.. its called hard work.. you get paid for working hard at your job.. instead of bitching hard work harder and then see what happens.. out of all my years at lincare I only have one complaint.. and thats my step father just passed away and Lincare wont pay for my time off.. but im going to suggest to the HR that they should reconsider this rule because a lot of Steps are more of a parent then the real parent.. I agree with the others that said, if you dont like it find something else or work harder and make a difference and see if that helps your pay like it did mine

Former CM from a successful upper Midwest office here and some of you are an embarrassment to home respiratory. Scamming sales reps I hope you burn in hell. So glad I'm gone from this mess of a company


To add to this it makes my crotch burn reading the sales rep comments on here claiming the my get all these referrals like they are drug reps. You are not medical reps rather you train doctors how to chart and complete CNNs. Borderline fraudulent if not fraudulent. I employed a rep that even had the doctor write on the CNN that my rep filled it out and he got nothing but a slap on the wrist from compliance. I grew that center while the rep reaped the benefits with commission buying new cars and such. I let him go and big surprise sales increased. Some of you may not be capable of dong better than lincare but inassure you there is life after that hell. Get out while you can. If you can't I feel sorry for you.


To add to this it makes my crotch burn reading the sales rep comments on here claiming the my get all these referrals like they are drug reps. You are not medical reps rather you train doctors how to chart and complete CNNs. Borderline fraudulent if not fraudulent. I employed a rep that even had the doctor write on the CNN that my rep filled it out and he got nothing but a slap on the wrist from compliance. I grew that center while the rep reaped the benefits with commission buying new cars and such. I let him go and big surprise sales increased. Some of you may not be capable of dong better than lincare but inassure you there is life after that hell. Get out while you can. If you can't I feel sorry for you.

