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Women need not waste their time at Allergan

Didn't we all sign an "arbritation" agreement when we were hired? Beware......

You all may have..so you should go back and look at your records. Depending on the state in which you live...and the terms in the arbtration agreement,as well as the manner in which it was presented ( disguised?) it still may be ruled by the courts as unconscionable. All contracts are not necessarily valid nor binding. There are several contract defenses if you know anything about the law. Be certain to consult an attorney with expertise in the area of employment law either way. Let the legal professionals be the ultimate authority, not HR and certainly not your colleagues. Be smart.

Your first mistake was going to HR before seeing an attorney. Think!!!! Ofcourse they will look for ways to get rid of you now. HR is the enemy, they work for AGN, not you. Many know the truth about the harassment but close their eyes to it...they have families to support also and you can't blame them. THEY ARE NEVER ON YOUR SIDE even if they pretend they are. Don't give up!

actually- you need to have something documented that you followed company policy to report harrassment ( the protected activity) . Look at your company's policy- it will tell you reporting procedures. Oftentimes, it states that it is acceptable to report to any management level employee that you are comfortable reproting to - if not the VP, etc of HR. But , most important thing is that you report it in writing. and the most effective indisputable way to do this is via email. ALways cc or bcc your own personal email address when doing so. You might also request a read reciept. Once sent, go to your sent items box and print it out and place it in a secure location. Electronic evidence is the proof that is winning plaintiff claims all over the country.
Then go see the attorney. Chances are good, if you cc or BCC yourself, HR SHOULD, I repeat SHOULD, be smart enough to know thta you are establishing a papertrail. but no t always, unfortunatley for them.

Better yet- do Return Receipt on all correspondance. You can set it up to where you are notified when it is received and when it is read. can't trust HR that they would be stand up enough to say "yes, I received it". You know they'll say that you never sent it or that maybe it was lost- same BS different day....it's all about CYA

So here's a novel idea: think about hiring 50-something women, who are on their own, responsible for self-support, have children who are grown up and on their own, and can really relate to these products and sell them with passion.

Now this is FUNNY! It's the older women who are being pushed out of Allergan.

You would think the days of discrimination were behind us, but not at Allergan. nothing has changed, they have gotten better at covering up. In eye care, if they want to get rid of someone they start building a case. It is usually subjective, like your sales presentations. The manger will start ripping you apart, saying you are "below average" even if for years you've been rated as good or even above average. Once it's in writing a few times they will add to it and make claims that you are now ineffective and your partner is pulling the weight-also subjective. How can you say only one person on a team influenced the rx? Then they beat you up so much you leave. If you don't, they will put you on a plan to force you out.
I've seen it happen to a few in my district.

Everyone has some error on their expense reports- they make them so difficult to submit and get them right- If your expense report was audited- then they had better have audited EVERYONE on your team or district- If only yours was then you were targeted- Past company to cover their ass audited everyone on the team just to get rid of the one person- but they justified it by the everyone was looked at- And if you were perfect on your expense report- they'll get you on your car milage reported- They have a way to get rid of anyone at anytime-

Everyone has some error on their expense reports- they make them so difficult to submit and get them right- If your expense report was audited- then they had better have audited EVERYONE on your team or district- If only yours was then you were targeted- Past company to cover their ass audited everyone on the team just to get rid of the one person- but they justified it by the everyone was looked at- And if you were perfect on your expense report- they'll get you on your car milage reported- They have a way to get rid of anyone at anytime-

If they want to get rid of you they will find a reason or make one up or they will push you to insanity hoping you will just leave

Can't speak for eye care, but there is a Derm team that consists of NINE women. The ASM is male, but every territory on the team is occupied by females. That can't be coincidence...

WHen you filed the harrassment complaint with HR, did you do it in writing? Hopefully so. Did you receive or retain a copy of the compalint and/or response from HR. If so, you have documentation that you have engaged in protected activity under Title VII. Hopefully , when they contacted you about this Er, they did do in writing - preferably email. That should establish a legal timeframe for you, especially if the expenses were some time ago wherein they would have had ample opportunity to review and question discrapancies. My advic e- take all printed documentation with you to an attorney who specializes in employment law - or you can go ahead and file with the EEOC as you will need to do so either way in order to get your right to sue letter in the event the EEOC does not take your complaint and pursue it on your behalf. Be patient, however, - the process takes a long time.
Approx 18 month turnaround time - could be 3-4 years before oyou reach a settlement. So a lawyer might be your best bet. go to www.nela.org to learn more. Your claim would be retaliation for engaing in

Contact the ethics department now. You must let them know what happened to you. Call the sr vp of ethics. Her name is rose Sharon

My husband is an attorney, there is NOTHING illegal about a manager interviewing. You cannot prove intent just because interviews are being conducted in your geography while you're on leave.

Then ask your man about the other thing: can the manager call the rep on leave at home and badger them to come back to work?

No. Once a person goes on leave, the company is not allowed to contact them, and the person on leave is not allowed to work, contact customers or do any company business, except to notify the company when they are returning.

Allergan's sexual discrimination is a lawsuit waiting to happen. There are so many instances of high performing women being passed over for promotion while their male counterparts get promoted with much lesser performances. Take it from my expereince, do not apply if you are a woman and have any desire for advancement. If you want to be a sales rep at the first level for the rest of your career, go for this job!!

It is actually the opposite.

It is actually the opposite.

Come on, who says this is opposite? Some HR fatty? Allergan is no place for a woman. The random promotion does come around but equity in salary will surely be missing. In addition, you will be expected to babysit and nurture your mails counterparts egos as you try to get the three jobs they have given you done. It's like your an octomom.