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Women need not waste their time at Allergan


Allergan's sexual discrimination is a lawsuit waiting to happen. There are so many instances of high performing women being passed over for promotion while their male counterparts get promoted with much lesser performances. Take it from my expereince, do not apply if you are a woman and have any desire for advancement. If you want to be a sales rep at the first level for the rest of your career, go for this job!!


Allergan's sexual discrimination is a lawsuit waiting to happen. There are so many instances of high performing women being passed over for promotion while their male counterparts get promoted with much lesser performances. Take it from my expereince, do not apply if you are a woman and have any desire for advancement. If you want to be a sales rep at the first level for the rest of your career, go for this job!!

It is obvious by your immature, hysterical, whiny post why you did not get the promotion; you are unfit for more responsibilities. So shut the fuck up bitch and take responsibility for your own incompetecies and lack of talent/ability. You pharma Barbie bimbos crack me up.

Thanks for the reply, Strom Thurmond.

I'm male and agree with OP. Look around at which females get promoted, versus the males. Internally, it's a well known but not discussed issue. The name that generally takes credit for the discrepancy is Julian Gangoli.

Thanks for the reply, Strom Thurmond.

I'm male and agree with OP. Look around at which females get promoted, versus the males. Internally, it's a well known but not discussed issue. The name that generally takes credit for the discrepancy is Julian Gangoli.

You sound like a gay male. Why don't you get together with the OP and have a good cry together, then go shopping for some fabulous shoes!

I can think of quite a few females in positions of power and/or that have gotten the job when competing against males. Give it a rest. Can you say Lynn Salo??????? She is a badass!

It's not a culture thing, believe me. It's difficult to find qualified women who are willing to relocate and/or travel. So a woman interviews, doesn't get the position because she can't committ to the travel and it's sexual harassment?

It's not a culture thing, believe me. It's difficult to find qualified women who are willing to relocate and/or travel. So a woman interviews, doesn't get the position because she can't committ to the travel and it's sexual harassment?

If you can not committ to the job requirements you would like us to change the rules because you are a female? I am not sure how you can argue one thing and then look for special treatment just because you can not committ to the requirements.

You sound like a gay male. Why don't you get together with the OP and have a good cry together, then go shopping for some fabulous shoes!

I've been called worse by better people than you. The fact of the matter is that AGN is known for its glass ceiling. If your mother or sister or wife was being held back- you'd want it changed. In addition- why would you want to win the job or promotion unfairly? Dont you want to know you earned everything you got, as opposed to getting it becuase the other candidate was female?

I've been called worse by better people than you. The fact of the matter is that AGN is known for its glass ceiling. If your mother or sister or wife was being held back- you'd want it changed. In addition- why would you want to win the job or promotion unfairly? Dont you want to know you earned everything you got, as opposed to getting it becuase the other candidate was female?

You should get some matching earrings to go with those new shoes you silly bitch!

I've been called worse by better people than you. The fact of the matter is that AGN is known for its glass ceiling. If your mother or sister or wife was being held back- you'd want it changed. In addition- why would you want to win the job or promotion unfairly? Dont you want to know you earned everything you got, as opposed to getting it becuase the other candidate was female?

The problem is not that we do not hire women for upper mgmt, the issue is that they do not go for those jobs. When qualified women to go for upper mgmt jobs they get them (ie Lynn Salo, Elizabeth Sandoval, Sue Petrella) the list goes on, by they way they are all VP's. Please stop with the nonsense I am a female and you are giving us a bad name.

The issue is a little more complicated than it sounds here. Allergan has had a boys club reputation forever, and it's deserved. There is no effort to change that, either. HR and employee development are a bad joke. A few years back, they had a program for "executive women"; it was laughable and exposed how clueless HR and management are about these sorts of issues.

But the biggest problem at Allergan is that there is zero commitment to a reasonable balance between work and family, and that applies to men and women. The company is proud of being "lean and mean", "working hard and playing hard", sports talk, drinking a lot and all that crap. Many of my male colleagues have decided that they aren't going to sacrifice their families for the company, either, and if that means not getting a promotion, so be it. You have to give up a lot to advance here--look at the women who have--there are only a handful in middle and upper management. Look at the ratio, then look at the men and see how many of them have wives who don't work outside the home.

If there were an upper management commitment to being a better company, it would happen. There isn't, so it doesn't. But they can always talk about the stock price (forgetting, of course, how much they have and how little everyone else has). Why do you think the survey to be considered as one of the 100 Best Companies in America sank without a trace?? Obviously, Allergan isn't close to being on that list...

i second the old boys club. networking has always been the hallmark of any career advancement in addition to kicking ass in your job. but here it is 10% the job and 90% impression management and kissing ass. look at the management ranks here and you get one clear clue and that's everyone looks the same. its inbreeding to the nth degree. no women, no minorities, and god forbid any gays. you have to wonder a company based in southern california can't get a more heterogenous look to it for both idea creation and varying perspective.

i second the old boys club. networking has always been the hallmark of any career advancement in addition to kicking ass in your job. but here it is 10% the job and 90% impression management and kissing ass. look at the management ranks here and you get one clear clue and that's everyone looks the same. its inbreeding to the nth degree. no women, no minorities, and god forbid any gays. you have to wonder a company based in southern california can't get a more heterogenous look to it for both idea creation and varying perspective.

You sound very gay. I don't ever want to see you post on CP ever again. Understand?

Allergan's sexual discrimination is a lawsuit waiting to happen. There are so many instances of high performing women being passed over for promotion while their male counterparts get promoted with much lesser performances. Take it from my expereince, do not apply if you are a woman and have any desire for advancement. If you want to be a sales rep at the first level for the rest of your career, go for this job!!

C'mon its simple: our management wants to save all the tits and ass shaking for doctors to see! That equals growth in share, simple.

The issue is a little more complicated than it sounds here. Allergan has had a boys club reputation forever, and it's deserved. There is no effort to change that, either. HR and employee development are a bad joke. A few years back, they had a program for "executive women"; it was laughable and exposed how clueless HR and management are about these sorts of issues.

But the biggest problem at Allergan is that there is zero commitment to a reasonable balance between work and family, and that applies to men and women. The company is proud of being "lean and mean", "working hard and playing hard", sports talk, drinking a lot and all that crap. Many of my male colleagues have decided that they aren't going to sacrifice their families for the company, either, and if that means not getting a promotion, so be it. You have to give up a lot to advance here--look at the women who have--there are only a handful in middle and upper management. Look at the ratio, then look at the men and see how many of them have wives who don't work outside the home.

If there were an upper management commitment to being a better company, it would happen. There isn't, so it doesn't. But they can always talk about the stock price (forgetting, of course, how much they have and how little everyone else has). Why do you think the survey to be considered as one of the 100 Best Companies in America sank without a trace?? Obviously, Allergan isn't close to being on that list...

Finally glad to hear that people are starting to wake up here...and colleagues and finding the right balance between work and family...because if it were up to Sr. Management...they of course would want to you WORK ALL THE TIME.....they (DP, JG and others) did it and look where it got them...to the TOP....ahhhhh the TOP...but they had to get to the TOP by way of their 1st family...just work till you get to the TOP...discard your 1st family...and start a second one....until the 2nd family gets burned out as well...what then....

C'mon its simple: our management wants to save all the tits and ass shaking for doctors to see! That equals growth in share, simple.

This is exactly the type of attitude from the Allergan Frat House that you will find. They did do a hiring spree of the Sorority house and look what happened at the NSM. Now, poor Smash Mouth can't play for the good ole boys again because the little ladies didn't know what to do with the free booze and a rock band at their disposal. Seriously, as a woman, it doesn't matter how hard you work or if you are willing to relocate, if you want your career to go anywhere you should look at more female friendly company.

I just applied on the website for an Area Mgr opening. I am female with 8 yrs of successful district management. Everywhere I have been as a manager, I have been one of the few females. But my districts have always performed well. I have been passed over for accolades because of being female and "beating the boys", but the reality is, that my bonuses have reflected my divisions performance so I made more bonus money than any of them. so I don't care about accolades. Just show me the $$$