Will Pfizer keep us Iam scared !

It is also a real possibility that they spin off the device business. Pfizer doesn't need the headaches and they can achieve three quarters of the 800 million savings by dumping this boat anchor.

The entire culture will change even if Pfizer keeps you. I made it through the Wyeth process and the company and co-workers I loved working for/with changed overnight! The company I was left with only cared about the Pfizer culture which highlighted patient focused products/initiatives but really only cares about $$$! I look back and think I would have been better if I would have been "separated" at the beginning.

The process to be pushed into the Pfizer culture and the departure from the Wyeth "family" always made me feel like a square peg being pushed into a round hole. Pfizer colleagues cheer, protect, promote each other. It takes a lot of time to drink the blue kool aid and find your way!

Good luck and get ready for things to move fast once all the approvals are processed. Wyeth/Pfizer "merger" was announced in January and separation calls were made in October/November. After that the "new" Pfizer rolled out the internal processes changed at lightening speed. All the systems, policy's, products were converted to Pfizer almost overnight. People, territories and product focus was re-arranged without any understandable reasons. No regard to product experience and territory relationships. Which continues to happen today. You will be moved and switched to fit Pfizer's needs, not based on your experience or skill sets. And this may happen three times in a year, because it is what Pfizer wants/needs. No appreciation or consideration will be provided to you. Keep tally yourself and push for credit on your field activity reports and get ready to keep writing your mid year reviews, yearly reviews. The administrative bs is some days never ending!

Welcome to big blue! You want a "to go" glass of that?

Sounds like Jon at Wyeth did you in ! I bet you were the worst loser he ever had to fire

So...I am an engineer at the Rocky Mount, NC, site....how does it look for manufacturing support groups after a merger? I know from associates that Wyeth in Sanford NC was gutted.

I thought you were with Wyeth ? Oh that's right it's the poser answering himself Thanks for the info though I'll make good use of it

Be more scared if you are retained. If you want to be treated like a teenager and be rewarded to act like a first grader you'll love Pfizer. If you have a brain, think for yourself, and possess any self respect you won't fit in at Pfizer.

Those who survive the takeover should notice no difference other than some new faces, the mentality will remain the same. Everything bad I've heard about Pfizer sounds like just like Hospira. "almost all" of those who have risen to the top of the Hospira ranks did so through back stabbing, lying, taking credit for others work and any other dirty means possible. Those made it by being talented stand up people are very few. I would name a few of them but I don't want to jinx them.

I can't believe this happened.
Believe it! Mike Ball is a cannibal he puts thousands out of work, many who will lose everything, and he gets $81million net of taxes- that's right folks Hospira is paying his taxes so it's more like he's getting double that amount.

To the quoted poster- get out now, start your job search now, don't wait for herd to hit the streets in a few months.

The entire culture will change even if Pfizer keeps you. I made it through the Wyeth process and the company and co-workers I loved working for/with changed overnight! The company I was left with only cared about the Pfizer culture which highlighted patient focused products/initiatives but really only cares about $$$! I look back and think I would have been better if I would have been "separated" at the beginning.

The process to be pushed into the Pfizer culture and the departure from the Wyeth "family" always made me feel like a square peg being pushed into a round hole. Pfizer colleagues cheer, protect, promote each other. It takes a lot of time to drink the blue kool aid and find your way!

Good luck and get ready for things to move fast once all the approvals are processed. Wyeth/Pfizer "merger" was announced in January and separation calls were made in October/November. After that the "new" Pfizer rolled out the internal processes changed at lightening speed. All the systems, policy's, products were converted to Pfizer almost overnight. People, territories and product focus was re-arranged without any understandable reasons. No regard to product experience and territory relationships. Which continues to happen today. You will be moved and switched to fit Pfizer's needs, not based on your experience or skill sets. And this may happen three times in a year, because it is what Pfizer wants/needs. No appreciation or consideration will be provided to you. Keep tally yourself and push for credit on your field activity reports and get ready to keep writing your mid year reviews, yearly reviews. The administrative bs is some days never ending!

Welcome to big blue! You want a "to go" glass of that?

For Hospira people who survive the culture will not change only the name.

Believe it! Mike Ball is a cannibal he puts thousands out of work, many who will lose everything, and he gets $81million net of taxes- that's right folks Hospira is paying his taxes so it's more like he's getting double that amount.

To the quoted poster- get out now, start your job search now, don't wait for herd to hit the streets in a few months.

:eek:Cannibal ? LOL] You paint a bleak picture! In all reality, the odds ARE in everybody's favor to NOT "lose everything" You'll get separation package vacation time and unemployment. If you're not lazy you'll survive just fine. It's not easy but don't believe the old sky is falling pitch :eek:

:eek:Cannibal ? LOL] You paint a bleak picture! In all reality, the odds ARE in everybody's favor to NOT "lose everything" You'll get separation package vacation time and unemployment. If you're not lazy you'll survive just fine. It's not easy but don't believe the old sky is falling pitch :eek:

You seem to forget all the people with lower level jobs to live from paycheck to paycheck with mortgages and kids in college etc. Those with enough in the bank may be ok but many will have to raid there 401s etc just weather the time they are out of work. I know several good reps who got caught in the 2009 reorg. they still haven't gotten back to where they were. Not because they weren't good just because they were late 40s or 50s. When the cuts come there will be tremendous competition for the good jobs out there. Maybe you don't remember when the big pharma companies fired so many reps that they couldn't find jobs and this was just a few yrs ago. And yes Mike Ball is a cannibal, he would let anyone of us starve just to he could have gold monogramed toilet paper. Me I don't have to worry but others do.

But the device division should be ok, right? Pfizer doesn't have a device division, so the Hospira device folks should come out of this transition with their jobs in tact, don't you think?