This coming from the person that pays 4000 a month to have a 1 bedroom near Malibooty. Enjoy pissing away the majority of your paycheck on rent.

I do agree with you that Joel and Tony are tools. Claiming all Christians are like Joel is like saying all pharma reps are like Charles Charles.

nah just the “Christians” who are pro life but are cool with separating babies and kids from their mothers at the border and say, “well they had it coming as they broke the law”. Yeah I’m sure that would be Jesus’ take on that...

TCU and SMU are good schools, but Berkeley is on another level. I'm Conservative and a Cal grad.

Cal GB here as well and SMU and TCU are no where close to UCLA, Berkeley, and Stanford...not saying they are bad schools but they are not anywhere near those upper echelon CA schools. I think someone mentioned the Claremont Colleges...little known since they don't really have athletic programs, but perhaps the best schools in CA...for you MBA folks Claremont was where Peter Drucker taught...there are some serious academics out there. At the end of the day Berkeley, UCLA and Stanford are always at the top of any list of best colleges in the country...there must be something to it.

Cal GB here as well and SMU and TCU are no where close to UCLA, Berkeley, and Stanford...not saying they are bad schools but they are not anywhere near those upper echelon CA schools. I think someone mentioned the Claremont Colleges...little known since they don't really have athletic programs, but perhaps the best schools in CA...for you MBA folks Claremont was where Peter Drucker taught...there are some serious academics out there. At the end of the day Berkeley, UCLA and Stanford are always at the top of any list of best colleges in the country...there must be something to it.
We haven't mentioned Caltech, which has somehow been absent in this thread. Even UC-Riverside is in the top 100 for universities. You're not fucking with us TX. You're better off picking a battle with CSUN for schools.

We haven't mentioned Caltech, which has somehow been absent in this thread. Even UC-Riverside is in the top 100 for universities. You're not fucking with us TX. You're better off picking a battle with CSUN for schools.

Totally...CalTech is crazy smart...forgot about Cal Poly and Santa Clara too...heck...as much as I hate to say it as a Cal guy but USC is highly ranked these days...not back in my days of the dinosaurs...but those darn Trojans may actually have a good school now...when they're not cheating to get actor's kids into school...couldn't resist...I'm sure my USC buddies will hammer this thread now.

But to try to compare UT-Austin, SMU, Baylor, and TCU to the California programs in nonsensical. Rice however has some good programs. Again not saying any of those schools are bad but to put them in the same sentence as the high end UC's, Stanford, etc is silly.

I have been reading all of the comments since yesterday and I just have to laugh. Help me understand this argument. I am not going to debate you over colleges in California vs Texas. I will let others debate that point.

Looking at California's own government website, calmatter.org, I found this interesting article from Jan 2020:

'Not the Golden State anymore': Middle- and low-income people leaving California | CalMatters

In this government article, they report that California is losing more people than they are gaining. You can also see the data projections if you google us census.org.

Who is leaving: the middle class

Why: Because Cali is too expensive and the taxes are too high

That's factual and will really come to light in the 2020 census results. I predict that Cali will lose a seat or 2 in the house of rep.

I find it funny how you attack all of us for stating the obvious. Why would you want to stay in a state where you are overtaxed? I get the beauty of the ocean and mountains. I don't get the financial decision.

The bigger question is why is Amgen staying in TO? It is worth exploring moving to a state that is more profitable like Texas, TN, GA or Florida.

I didn't go to a fancy school on the west coast or ne. But I don't have student loans and I most likely have won more trips than most of you field reps!

Call me a redneck
Call me a hick
Call me a bible beater
Call me stupid
Call me a gun freak

Just know that every Friday, I laugh all the way to the bank and my family is debt free.

Cal GB here as well and SMU and TCU are no where close to UCLA, Berkeley, and Stanford...not saying they are bad schools but they are not anywhere near those upper echelon CA schools. I think someone mentioned the Claremont Colleges...little known since they don't really have athletic programs, but perhaps the best schools in CA...for you MBA folks Claremont was where Peter Drucker taught...there are some serious academics out there. At the end of the day Berkeley, UCLA and Stanford are always at the top of any list of best colleges in the country...there must be something to it.

enjoy those student loans till your forty

I’ll put Stanford, Berkeley, UCLA, and the Claremont colleges up against those schools any day of the week. Pretty sure Massachusetts would throw Harvard, MIT, BC, BU, UMASS and Babson up against the Texas Schools too. You need me to start listing the Ivy’s in each NE state for ya?

Look you have cheap housing that is a function of supply and demand...shouldn’t the cost of housing go up if Texas was being “flooded” by out of staters? Oh that’s right you just keep pushing out to shitholes like Katy and The Woodlands and build nondescript tract housing developments that aren’t worth shit 15 years later since that ‘damn new development down the road just built up ever bigger and uglier and shinier houses’ so now only first time home buyers with little money want to buy your beat up used home. In California I bought my first house for $500k ten years later sold it for $1.5M. Bought a new house for $2M and 8 years later it’s worth $3.3M. Even during these crazy times. Oh also have two four unit apartments where the the rent on each unit is $4k a month which pays all the mortgage, taxes, insurance, maintenance and management fees and still drops $12K a month in profit all while someone else is paying it off the the dirt and the structure keeps appreciating.

Sure when land is cheap and there is a lot of it , it’s hard to turn those types of profits in dumbass Texas.

My guess is that you are in the home office. Question?? what are you going to do when Bradway asks you to move to Tampa? will you sell at a profit or loss? Enjoy your move to MY state of Florida:


This is why I love our CEO. Relocate out of cray cray cali

It looks like you should have taken out a few student loans. A better education would have helped you with the correct grammatical use of your vs you're. Do better, stupid.
Yet another example of a liberal selectively judging other posters. Half these posts have grammatical errors.
I agree with this post. Most of these schools are costly and require massive student loans.

My guess is that you are in the home office. Question?? what are you going to do when Bradway asks you to move to Tampa? will you sell at a profit or loss? Enjoy your move to MY state of Florida:


This is why I love our CEO. Relocate out of cray cray cali

Good riddance. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out Amgen! That land will be developed and create a lot of wealth in the region. We survived and thrived after the Country Wide debacle we will thrive after Amgen exits! Great news for the community as Amgen has always been a terrible neighbor.
Good luck getting talent to FLA. can’t get top talent to move from SF to TO. They definitely aren’t moving to Tampa! Talk about a shithole! Gulf Coast of FLA is awful.