And yet at the end of the day all the rightwing rednecks at Amgen collect their paychecks from a California company. If you are so righteous to your cause why not go work for all those Southern bio/Pharm companies? Oh that’s right there are none. California birthed biotech and if not for the innovation in this state you hillbilly rednecks would still be stuck at the NE Corridor’s Big Pharma’s like Pfizer, J&J and Merck making a fraction of the money we pay you. You should pray every night and thank California for its collective innovation that allows you to put food on your table. Last I checked Texas and the SE barely contribute anything from a commercial employment standpoint in bio/pharm. Sure RTP is a research and production hub, however none of you will ever be needed there. So instead of despising our liberal ways in CA thank us and be grateful for creating the industry that employs you...clearly your ancestors did not help you much in that capacity...