Why Would Quest Buy Shiel Lab

The problem is the same that Fresenius inherited. The way they obtained business was ? I assume within 45 days the party will begin. Shiel reps think they won, Fresenius thinks they won and Quest the fools think they won. I say nobody win's

I must agree with the statement. I am puzzled at the company for buying something they could have got for nothing.The corporate brains have it figured out. Madoff thought the same way. The problem none will accept is that there is always someone much smarter then you.

I just got in from the bar downtown and I come to read this depressing news.
When does it end?
Many were put out of their misery on DEC 31 2017.
For the few that remain the problems will continue to exist.
The Great leader would always say "IT TAKES TIME"

The question will always be who? Why?

I agree that leadership was a fraud.
I agree that the business was obtained ?????
The amount of collateral damage has just begun.

Corporate will realize they were playing with Sharks that are swimming in the Ocean with many people.
They were friendly sharks until they realized they were hurting their families.
Everyone must take responsibility for the crime!

Enjoy the weekend

Speak on Monday

You are wrong, no one is smarter than Half Pint, just ask him.

Wait until you yell and scream and no one hears you. Your days are numbered. Cant wait, i will be there to celebrate!!