Why Would Quest Buy Shiel Lab

Son, you use words like "unhinged". Do you realize you are spending time venting your frustrations on an anonymous board? Through your posts it is evident you are upset and embarrassing yourself. nobody cares, but you do look like you have some issues to deal with. You clearly do not understand business and have no idea of the Quest structure. move on son!

Quest are the big boys now. you bottom feeders are of no significance to us.

To the individual who wrote this, you are actually of no significance and you will be fired in the near future. Quest is intergrading your facilities then you are gone! you are too ignorant and gullible. You have been spun like a "Top". The individuals that you have listened to and learned from have showed you the "wrong road".
Keep following that path you fool. Your secrets are no longer secrets.

To the individual who wrote this, you are actually of no significance and you will be fired in the near future. Quest is intergrading your facilities then you are gone! you are too ignorant and gullible. You have been spun like a "Top". The individuals that you have listened to and learned from have showed you the "wrong road".
Keep following that path you fool. Your secrets are no longer secrets.

You do realize you just proved the previous poster's point. ? LOL

Quest are the big boys and everyone else are bottom feeders.

This is all above your pay grade son. Quest is the future and we are the powerful. This is the professional organization.
Good line, you may need emergency intervention, run to an urgent care.

This is all below your pay grade so. We are the new leaders and professional at that!

Where do you come up with all this bullshit?

You will be nervous, no not from Sara or Ruth, but... Yup!!!!