Wow... you seem like a real intellectual.
Are those the words you utter to yourself as you shave each morning homeboy?
Wow... you seem like a real intellectual.
Are those the words you utter to yourself as you shave each morning homeboy?
Can't address the issue, huh?
Already have. Rubbish healthcare service that costs a load of money. QED
Yeah... I will admit it, you have repeatedly made that claim, but have offered no credible proof. Your mindless, Obama chants fall far short of what is required to make an intellectual point or argument.... But nice try.
No amount of evidence would make any difference
Only and simply because no amount of evidence exists.
Denial xxx
Calling someone a denier does not qualify as a coherent point.
Just stop, think, make a cogent point, then find valid information to support your claim. That's how this works.
And which has been done.
Yes... you posted a link. I responded by pointing-out the glaring faults of the study and thus destroying its validity. Then, you started name-calling... that's not how this works. You must now produce further, valid evidence to make your point, otherwise you are just blindly following and not really thinking for yourself. At least, explain to me where I am wrong in pointing-out the faults of your study.
I have hope for you.
Yes... you posted a link. I responded by pointing-out the glaring faults of the study and thus destroying its validity. Then, you started name-calling... that's not how this works. You must now produce further, valid evidence to make your point, otherwise you are just blindly following and not really thinking for yourself. At least, explain to me where I am wrong in pointing-out the faults of your study.
I have hope for you.
Yes... you posted a link. I responded by pointing-out the glaring faults of the study and thus destroying its validity. Then, you started name-calling... that's not how this works. You must now produce further, valid evidence to make your point, otherwise you are just blindly following and not really thinking for yourself. At least, explain to me where I am wrong in pointing-out the faults of your study.
I have hope for you.
Is this your "pointing-out the glaring faults of the study"?
Thanks for the laughs... These rankings are absolutely hilarious. Guess where all these fools come when one of their "important people" needs major medical attention?
"You gotta love these 2 categories: Equity and healthy lives. As if everything in life is supposed to be equal. Do you know who has the greatest equity among their people... NORTH KOREA. How equal is it when someone in France, who can afford it, flies to America to get timely healthcare? How prevalent do you think diabetes and morbid obesity is in France? So really, no shit they are healthier.... and it has nothing to do with their healthcare system. You libs are so damned simplistic."
These are clearly the musings of a well travelled, ivy league boy as opposed to a fat, bald guy from the mid west who wears chinos and a clip on smart phone
Looking forward to your articulate, witty, pithy retort
Yes... All aforementioned are glaring flaws of the study. Put simply... Answer this; If I am a doctor, and I serve a patient population that eats healthy, exercises regularly and generally lives a healthy lifestyle and as a result, my patients tend need less medical attention and live longer, healthier lives... does that make me a better doctor than the doctor who has a patient population in which the majority of his patients are obese, diabetic, alcoholics, who never exercise and as a result require much more medical intervention and live shorter, less fulfilling lives?
Also, consider this... America is a much more diverse population, with diverse medical issues. We don't treat a homogeneous patient population in America, such as the case in The U.K. The U.K. is almost 90% white Europeans.
Yep, In many low income black neighborhoods there are more liquor stores and fast food places than grocery stores with fresh veggies and fruits. When I call on the physicians in these communities they are mainly treating diabetes and pain. Huge Burden on the taxpayers.
Maybe you should introduce a system of ethnic cleansing? The expensive and inefficient healthcare system doesn't appear to be sufficient for your needs.
Obamacare and the current welfare system which encourages unhealthy lifestyles and rewards poor behavior seems to suffice.
So you'll obviosly be votimg democrat then?
No, despite your close-minded stereotype of Republicans, I will vote for candidates that empower people with freedom and have policies that help people help themselves. The liberal redistribution, freebie give-away program has been shown to fail everywhere it is tried. It steals people's desire to work hard and to provide for themselves.