Why Tom Griffin has failed as a leader and failed Bayer Healthcare

Well, looks like TG better start looking for another job:) After two years and burning money and destroying Bayer Diabetes it is finally starting to catch up with him.

Why don't you little bitches quit worrying about Tom and start worrying about your own sorry asses? Try spending some time on your resume - that's if you can spin sell your shitty sales.

Fuck you Roche. If it wasn't for your contracts that force plan members to use your shit old technology products you would be 5th, right behind us. Also your sales reps don't work at all. If you want to see a Roche rep, hang out at the mall or at the golf course. Once Bayer reps are let go they will be THE most sought after reps to hire. Bayer reps work to the bone to make the shit bonus Bayer offers. Companies will seek to hire Bayer reps.... the most valued in the industry.

Don't take it so personally. We know it is not your fault BDC hired this joke of a VP, all I am saying is that we appreciate having the chance to take a little market share & make a little $$ at your company's expense

Brilliant response, you must really be a great conversationalist with your physicians! No wonder you're nothing but a complaining little weasel. If things are so bad - don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

But let's think about this - if your numbers were/are good, then you probably wouldn't be complaining. So you must have shitty numbers, which means the door WILL hit you in the ass on the way out! See ya' shitty sales boy!

Driving morale into the ground on all types of employees- field and non-field

Poor communication- out of touch

Lack understanding business channels

Not letting others voice their opinions freely-closed door policy

General lack of knowledge of current market; patients, doctors, etc.

Lack of business acumen intelligence

Spending large amounts of money on wasteful programs and not spending money on the right ones

Lack of direction and accountability for sales strategy

Hiring prior Pfizer co-workers with no consideration for qualified applicants in house

Repeatedly LYING to employees

Pointing fingers at everyone but Tom

Creating a mess of the division and giving competitors a great chance to take advantage

Having been with Bayer over 8 years I am very disappointed as to what he has turned this place into. I only hope with time what has been done and be reversed and this company can be as great as it once was.

Booya! Looks like you got it all. I wonder how TG explained to MM why he spent all the money at this place this year and the lack of ROI in return. I bet he chewed his ass out, TG won't be here much longer. Trust that.

What's the timing?

Sometime before Xmas. I am still in shock that people are in denial of layoffs happening. START LOOKING folks, the writing is all over the wall.

The only good thing to come out of these layoffs is TG and SF a first class ticket to unemployment. But they are both such talented leaders with so much to show for their time at Bayer so they won't have trouble landing great new jobs(HAHAHAHA-what a joke).

Sometime before Xmas. I am still in shock that people are in denial of layoffs happening. START LOOKING folks, the writing is all over the wall.

The only good thing to come out of these layoffs is TG and SF a first class ticket to unemployment. But they are both such talented leaders with so much to show for their time at Bayer so they won't have trouble landing great new jobs(HAHAHAHA-what a joke).

I would really enjoy to see how they formatted their resumes for their time here at Bayer. Initiatives with NO RESULTS. Those too are not result orientated leaders. They need to go back to Pfizer where they can live off the efforts of others, no place for people like that in this company.

Yes Griffin is a terrible leader and has definitely soured this place both from a business sense and morale sense. BUT I'm glad that our new president is in charge and running the show, guy seems like he has a clue as to what is going on and how to approach it. At least Griffin is not actively leading this place anymore, I bet he is filing papers for MM and fetching his dry cleaning. That being said at least Griffin is doing something he is qualified for. So count your blessings that we all still have jobs and Griffin has been and is still being stripped of power. Thank goodness, because he had no idea what he was doing and no one sees him as a leader!

Yes Griffin is a terrible leader and has definitely soured this place both from a business sense and morale sense. BUT I'm glad that our new president is in charge and running the show, guy seems like he has a clue as to what is going on and how to approach it. At least Griffin is not actively leading this place anymore, I bet he is filing papers for MM and fetching his dry cleaning. That being said at least Griffin is doing something he is qualified for. So count your blessings that we all still have jobs and Griffin has been and is still being stripped of power. Thank goodness, because he had no idea what he was doing and no one sees him as a leader!

Still have jobs? Uh, the layoffs have not happened yet and you and I could both be out of jobs soon. The ship isn't sinking, it has sunk...

I would really enjoy to see how they formatted their resumes for their time here at Bayer. Initiatives with NO RESULTS. Those too are not result orientated leaders. They need to go back to Pfizer where they can live off the efforts of others, no place for people like that in this company.

Yes, these two have run this place in to the ground, but they have made their money and will get a hefty severance when they leave. For the rest of us in the field who are the unlucky ones to be let go, we are screwed. Two weeks for every year of service? Did I mention we are screwed?