Why Silenor,when a pill cutter will do!

As a physician I have to prescribe what my patients can afford and what's safe for them. Clinically, all of the non controlled substances used for insomnia (trazodone, Rozarem (which is melatonin, available OTC) are less useful than the Lunesta, Ambien, Restoril group but are at least non-addicting. Silenor would be similar, but clinically the difference between 3,6 or 10 mg doses would not be an issue so I'd prescribe the doxepin capsules. About 90 doxepin 10 mg capsules cost $19; Silenor costs about $65 for 30 pills.

My real problem with Silenor is that it might have effects on the heart rhythm in vulnerable people and might also be associated with memory impairment in people with dementia. Any antihistamine can do this.

Overall, this is a very unimpressive drug so far. It's too bad, since I'd very much like to have some other alternatives.

Just FYI.


As a physician I have to prescribe what my patients can afford and what's safe for them. Clinically, all of the non controlled substances used for insomnia (trazodone, Rozarem (which is melatonin, available OTC) are less useful than the Lunesta, Ambien, Restoril group but are at least non-addicting. Silenor would be similar, but clinically the difference between 3,6 or 10 mg doses would not be an issue so I'd prescribe the doxepin capsules. About 90 doxepin 10 mg capsules cost $19; Silenor costs about $65 for 30 pills.

My real problem with Silenor is that it might have effects on the heart rhythm in vulnerable people and might also be associated with memory impairment in people with dementia. Any antihistamine can do this.

Overall, this is a very unimpressive drug so far. It's too bad, since I'd very much like to have some other alternatives.

Just FYI.


Right on target.This is the truth,if you want to hear it.The only future Silenor has is OTC.Just don't shoot the messengers on this site!

In that case i'm sorry to say that you're not a good doctor. I'm not a doctor but i still know this: the active ingredient is Doxepin, indeed. Take 1/2 of a 10mg capsule, or liquid Doxepin with a dropper. What do you get the day after? Side effects like hangovers, headaches and not 7-8 hours sleep. And why not do i hear you ask? Start looking at the excepients. Silenor is a very slow working version of the old Doxepin version. The Doxepin that you call a "Generic for silenor" is an untrafast working drug (Capsule or liquid). This causes side effects and not a maintained sleep. It's all not as easy as you think. Patients love Silenor and it's covered by most insurances and doesn't cost $5/pill. Do some research before talking nonsense.

LOL nice try with the Dos stuff. You CLEARLY stink of a brain washed, no medical training, less than avg intelligence pharma rep. The simple verbiage you use above gives you away in a heart beat. Awful try at best with the "I'm a doc" line.

It's THE absolute worst drug made by the absolute worst company in the industry! It's a POS drug to sell. All my calls are fake. Docs and staff are laughing at us. What a hell hole of company that makes this drug!

It's THE absolute worst drug made by the absolute worst company in the industry! It's a POS drug to sell. All my calls are fake. Docs and staff are laughing at us. What a hell hole of company that makes this drug!

I can't agree more!! I like Publicis as a contract comp but Silenor is the worst dog crap I've EVER had to sell!!! I would rather sell anything to the public out of a vendor box. This is probably one of the most embarrassing drugs I've had to detail by far!

Reps on this contract really need to find someplace else to work. I left the contract after I found out my docs were sampling and giving away Silenor LIKE CANDY!!! Not one script written they just gave them away like free m&m's!