Why Resignations are Happening

soon 2 be IBM Pharm. supply chain are the next to go. only the OTC ass lickers are safe. what a pathetic group of losers. each one licking the bosses right testicle. even Missy Prissy Pants got promoted, for doing what again? Acting like a fool on go to meetings? human resource didn’t even put out an email because they were ashamed. the place is a sinking ship. why are people resigning? cuz the incorrect people are getting taken care of. time to wake up.
IBM is not taking over. Matter of fact, we're back to hiring so relax. Go smoke a spliff n chill. Dang.

Bottom Line:

We work for a bully CEO and a bigger bully CFO who put profit over people, who are highly self serving, and they created a stressful environment to force results which turned toxic for anyone in their path resulting in resignations.

Reviewing why people leave the “dump”

➡ Salary increase.
If someone stays at a company for a year or more. They might see a 3% or 4% increase in their salary (if they are lucky). When an employee switches job they increase their salary way more than a 4% increase.

➡ Poor management/Micromanagers
We are all grown adults. Why are companies hiring micromanagers still? That is the quickest way to lose good talent. Bad Managers that measure hours and not results (yuck). Companies need leadership not micromanagers. 57% of employees leave their jobs because of their boss.

➡ Not enough flexibility
Some employers have fully embraced hybrid or remote work environments. Yet others are still grasping onto the in-person experience. If all you do is sit on your laptop and communicate on Teams, Zoom etc. You can work from anywhere and still be productive. You don't need to be in a depressing environment with cubical farms.
Do you remember that time you told you employee they couldn't take a sick day? Do you remember when you told them they couldn't pick up their sick kid? Your employee remembers everything!

➡ Poor work-life balance
Work-life balance became more important than ever for employees to find. Poor work schedules and long hours certainty contribute to turnover rates. Similar to flexibility, employees want to be able to find harmony between their work lives and their personal lives.

➡ Finding a new purpose
A lack of purpose in work can be another reason why employees found a new job.

➡ Childcare issues
Many employees simply needed better options. It’s likely many looked for opportunities that were more accommodating to childcare needs. Flexible working environment helps with this!

➡ Feeling disrespected at work
This is an interesting topic but a top reason why employees are leaving their jobs. One key factor in feeling respected at work is belonging. For example, microaggressions, discrimination, and simply feeling included at work are all components of respect.

➡ Benefits are horrible
Bad health insurance? Hardly any PTO? No sick days? Mental health days? Did their company take away remote work? No paid maternity leave?

This is just a few examples of why people leave the Hawthorne Dump

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