the link below is all pretty amazing, but the last 10 pages deserve particular attention:
Data isn't stored on the programmer...WTF. Dirty bastards
the link below is all pretty amazing, but the last 10 pages deserve particular attention:
the link below is all pretty amazing, but the last 10 pages deserve particular attention:
Maybe data isn't stored on YOUR programmer, but it is on Biotronik's. Oh, and nice name calling, genius.
LIAR! You must work for one of the Big3 because none of your business practices match what BIO has built their reputation on. You must be known as the "Boy Scout" within BIO. Not believable however.
I see nothing remarkable here. What I do see is one side of a lawsuit. Anyone who has been sued knows that lawyers take the facts, add innuendo, and make inferences to create a compelling story to reap the greatest financial reward for their clients.
What happened to the Mike I thread. Another thread erased by Biotronik. Nice nazi move Jake.
1) It really comes down to coverage in my opinion. Biotronik is a small company and is inundated with independent reps that have carved out huge territories and because of long term contracts with Bio aren't giving up any ground. Example: You may have a rep principal that has a 3 state territory contract and can only put a minimal amount of personnel on the ground at a giving time. An Independent principal can't employ a bunch of people just to bring in 3 devices a month to start, so they only put one rep in a town until they grow enough to be self supporting then the principal can support a new rep in another town. The biggest flaw in Biotronik is this business model IMHO. Pressure from Bio and price cuts are moving them away from this model. So watch out!!!! The big 3 have spoiled the doctors and made them think that if you don't have 8 people in a city of 250k people your not going to be able to cover their practice. Bullshit...!!!!. The patient to rep ratio is smaller at Bio for now. This is the old Medtronic way of doing business. That model won't work with the present and future pricing cuts to CRM. Just not economical anymore. Hence all the RIFFs. SO.... problem solved in near future.
2) Bio doesn't have the money to pay lobbyist to push the FDA to bring products first to market. ALso Biotronik makes sure the product will work long term before even attempting to do so. Remember these products go in people/ patients and one day we all will be one of those patients. I have read on here all the post saying Bio is a "me too company". Again Bullshit!!! 44 yrs ago we were second to market a ppm, true, but then first to develop the dual chamber ppm. CLS algorithm, only one proved to work for emotional stress, and vaso vagal syncope. Try getting your accelerometer to do that. Oh yeah and they have those in there too. Look OUS and you will see that Bio is the only company marked for European CE for a MRI ICD's, also they have a full line of pacemakers that are MRI compatible (Brand new ppm technology not ppm's from the 90's " Medtronic revo"). They had the first home monitoring system and the FIRST and ONLY free cellular home monitoring system requiring no patient interaction, just plug and play. No calling in, no wands, and no bs. There are a whole list of other FIRST that I can mention.... IE a complete line of vascular products including the only drug coated biodegradable stent that works, a complete line of EP cath's Etc............. They just can't afford to pay to bring these to market first. They wouldn't be able to survive a product recall. Unlike the other big 3 who look at it as "just the price of doing business".
3) And this has nothing to do with why Biotronik isn't doing better, although I would have to ask the original poster who proposed this question,.... Better than what? Better than what they were 5 yrs ago? Better than the other 3? If that is the question than the answer is they are doing better. They were the only company to have double digit growth in both brady and Tachy in 2010. And they have been out pacing the other big three for the past 3 years in both. I don't think it is a measurable of how big you are, I think the key question is how much debt you have and how much market share you are gaining!!!
4) Again not anything to do with the "Why isn't Biotronik doing better?" but just a small response to the allegations of "Bio buys business". How can a company of our size and our profit margin "Buy Business?" If you consider how many studies St Jude have open and how many doctors they and Medtronic have on there speaking roster I am sure it will dwarf what few doctors Bio has and the amount of money they spend. You only need to look at who have paid out settlements to the federal government in the past, hell, YEAR and I don't believe you will find that Biotronik is on that list. I can't say that about the big 3 and neither can you. "Buying business" is the only explanation you have to convince yourself of why they are taking so much of your business. "They have to be paying the doctors because that's what I had to do to get the doctors to use me in the beginning" thats the only rationalization you can come to. Well it's wrong. Doctors are just tired of opening their mail EVERY MONTH and seeing yet ANOTHER
Dear Doctor,
We regretfully inform you that another product you put in your patients from our company is not working like we promised you it would. Please inconvenience yourself and your patient so that they can come in for uncalled for follow ups and oh yeah if they happen to have an ICD or one of our ICD leads it may not work when needed and you may be sued.
Sorry once AGAIN
Talk to you next month,
The BIG 3
This shouldn't be the norm, but unfortunately it is becoming that way. I see them littered around the doctors office's. Patients deserve better than that. They put their trust in their doctors and their doctors put their trust in you and your company. Doctors can only take the distrust and lies for so long then they will start to look for a viable alternative. And you better hope that the first reason I gave is true for you in your area because if a Biotronik rep does come to your town or you happen to have one there already, then you won't have to ask "Why isn't Biotronik doing better?"
Have the other three companies made the front page of the NYTimes for buying business?
I can control my ethics. You cannot control what happens to Fidelis, Teligen or Durata.