Why is everyone leaving iRhythm?

You mean old timers like Jokelyn the first TM in the company who has zero management experience and now an AVP who has her click. If you are in it you can violate HIPPA and still win P Club with 2 day ZIOs. Maybe Dork who has over stayed his welcome should leave. These 2 Old timers are useless!

Well said this meeting is such a joke as alway arrogant and self serving. More TMs I expected to see here are GONE! Unfortunately the lame leadership isn’t. Who are all of these consultants now here at our meetings. One in particular thinks she knows what TMs want and need she is clueless. Who does she know in company to get this gig? She must be making some $$$$! I am looking to leave too and I am not an old timer.

Well said this meeting is such a joke as alway arrogant and self serving. More TMs I expected to see here are GONE! Unfortunately the lame leadership isn’t. Who are all of these consultants now here at our meetings. One in particular thinks she knows what TMs want and need she is clueless. Who does she know in company to get this gig? She must be making some $$$$! I am looking to leave too and I am not an old timer.

Maybe you should leave. This company is all about quality and meeting customer expectations. We constantly exceed at this. Comments like this are contrary to the vision of what we do. Judging by your negative comments, it is apparent that you must have mislead the acquisition team on your interview. So, please leave and take your stinking thinking with you.

It’s the sales and marketing leadership who need to leave instead of running off awesome TMs. I am hearing some long needed changes are coming soon so I will wait it out! “Take a deep breath”, we will see who the last one standing will be soon enough.
Lawsuits are a brewing!

It’s the sales and marketing leadership who need to leave instead of running off awesome TMs. I am hearing some long needed changes are coming soon so I will wait it out! “Take a deep breath”, we will see who the last one standing will be soon enough.
Lawsuits are a brewing!
Why would you stay when you don't agree with the company vision? This is probably the best job market you will see in your lifetime. Do yourself a favor and go get a "better job". We don't need people with fixed mindsets.

It’s the sales and marketing leadership who need to leave instead of running off awesome TMs. I am hearing some long needed changes are coming soon so I will wait it out! “Take a deep breath”, we will see who the last one standing will be soon enough.
Lawsuits are a brewing!

I’m milking it to the end. Trumps economy is ready to crash. Only hope is if Oprah runs for office or the Bern wins! Yeaaahhh

Why would you stay when you don't agree with the company vision? This is probably the best job market you will see in your lifetime. Do yourself a favor and go get a "better job". We don't need people with fixed mindsets.
Well said Dork, just like the myriad of new and long time reps are doing. You see the difference between me and them is I’m going to use you just like you have use them.

DF talks about everyone. I was around her last week and was appalled. And yes! She did get a girl fired after making lies up about her. There are a few that are the reason the culture here is so toxic. They start drama and are super jealous. It took her four years to do what this other girl did in one and she has had it out for her since. After last week I am paying someone to fix my resume. I’ve got to get out of here.

Oh you must be talking about the former TM who joined the “CX dream team.”

She had it out for her replacement and the Yale rep too.

I met her replacement and she was awesome!

Like others have said on this site if you aren’t in the click you are 1 foot out of the door!

The VP of sales perpetuates this behavior.

Because they promote on favoritism and fire on subjective grounds. I heard they made their TMs apply for a promotion because useless management can't do their job. What does it say when a company has not done a promotion for TMs in 1.6 years an not one TM gets executive leadership wouldn't you leave too? There is no development at iRhythm unless you are in the Jokelynn club, that applies for RSDs too.

Don't give JS so much publicity. She relishes in being the villain, like Omorosa. She craves the attention and thinks she has so much "power" when inside, she's just a pathetic insecure and unattractive loser who LOVES to put others down to make herself seem relevant.

DF talks about everyone. I was around her last week and was appalled. And yes! She did get a girl fired after making lies up about her. There are a few that are the reason the culture here is so toxic. They start drama and are super jealous. It took her four years to do what this other girl did in one and she has had it out for her since. After last week I am paying someone to fix my resume. I’ve got to get out of here.

"Mean girl culture" is the perfect description of the female managers working here. Didn't use to be like that.

Because this company and the leadership sucks! RUN do not take the interview or lame offer they will give you a base of 80k and a 6 month guarantee if they like you. If not you do not get a guarantee. The sales leadership is the worse and entitled group. One AVP sexually harassed a TM fired her and now an AVP need I say more!

Because this company and the leadership sucks! RUN do not take the interview or lame offer they will give you a base of 80k and a 6 month guarantee if they like you. If not you do not get a guarantee. The sales leadership is the worse and entitled group. One AVP sexually harassed a TM fired her and now an AVP need I say more!

EVP of sales and EVP of marketing both play favoritism. You can clearly see the bromance at all times. They might be bros to each other but to the world they are D & D - Dumb & Dumber together.

EVP of sales and EVP of marketing both play favoritism. You can clearly see the bromance at all times. They might be bros to each other but to the world they are D & D - Dumb & Dumber together.
Disagree. Dumb to those that don't understand how complex our market has become. If you can do better, why aren't you an EVP somewhere?