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Why have oncology reps been leaving?

I hope you are looking at job posting simply out of morbid curiosity.

Only the really really desperate out of work reps. And/or oncology losers who can't get hired somewhere else, would consider signing on with this chicken shit outfit

Oh yea it was just curiosity to see if more reps have left. Looks like they are about 10-15% of sales jobs open. Haha

Oncology at Eisai has and will always will be a revolving door until the culture and pay are changed. Don't see either of those happening and so turnover twill continue. Oh and also they don't really care about turnover. Primary care mentality. This is why oncology here is the worst.

Oncology at Eisai has and will always will be a revolving door until the culture and pay are changed. Don't see either of those happening and so turnover twill continue. Oh and also they don't really care about turnover. Primary care mentality. This is why oncology here is the worst.

Sounds right--field rep with two interviews this week

There will be many more Oncology departures in the next 2-3 weeks. The mentality of " the floggings will continue until morale improves" is driving many good people out.

Former DSi and I should not laugh but I cannot help it. Bill M does not know what else to do. I troll this to see what Bill is doing and I see he is still managing as any new DM would. The man should not be in charge of pencils let a lone a sales organization.. I have to ask in his memos does he still spell oncology with 4 os as in onocology? LOL

Former DSi and I should not laugh but I cannot help it. Bill M does not know what else to do. I troll this to see what Bill is doing and I see he is still managing as any new DM would. The man should not be in charge of pencils let a lone a sales organization.. I have to ask in his memos does he still spell oncology with 4 os as in onocology? LOL
No but he sent his holiday message to the entire organization saying
Happ Christmas"

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