Why don't Job Shares get respect?

They get no respect for the same reason every other Merck deep gets no respect. What they do is a joke.

How many shares are there? Makes more sense to replace with contract paying per call w/o benefits. With all the CP reads about this topic people are either pissed or shares are more common than I thought. Only a few shares in my area.

Just in! Job shares gone in October. Gonna wipe the smug look off these grifters once and for all. A special thank you to Riad for signing off on this. Thank you, thank you.

every layoff for the last several years someone is sure that job shares will be gone. never happens. heard about three job shares that just all got back from the vp win. pointless.

Notice these job scares are ring fenced? This is the laziest bunch costing way too much. Offer them contract jobs at half the price. What a disgrace to fellow employees being let go. Good times.

Be well

Ring fenced? Marry or date a ctl and you become a share in the ring fence. Very expensive fence having two Merck for one deli slingin gig. Tear down the fence and set the moms free of these overpaid jobs. Aaaaamazing how we keep these positions during another round of cuts.

I am a former job share who was laid off in the last round of cuts, so shares are being cut.

I understand what many of you are saying as to why shares should be cut first. We do cost more money than one person. With all the layoffs going on, it makes perfect business sense to let us go first. I do object, however, to those saying all shares are worthless. I worked much more than my scheduled days as did my partner. When meetings were on my off days, I went and never got paid for those days which occurred every month comp or otherwise. It was just part of the job. At least show respect and not paint everyone with the same brush. I care about this company and even though I was laid off I don't want to see the company fail nor my former colleges go through a job cut. It sucks for 'anyone'.

I wish everyone the best, but show some compassion for each other.

I am a former job share who was laid off in the last round of cuts, so shares are being cut.

I understand what many of you are saying as to why shares should be cut first. We do cost more money than one person. With all the layoffs going on, it makes perfect business sense to let us go first. I do object, however, to those saying all shares are worthless. I worked much more than my scheduled days as did my partner. When meetings were on my off days, I went and never got paid for those days which occurred every month comp or otherwise. It was just part of the job. At least show respect and not paint everyone with the same brush. I care about this company and even though I was laid off I don't want to see the company fail nor my former colleges go through a job cut. It sucks for 'anyone'.

I wish everyone the best, but show some compassion for each other.

OK we will take your advice. Meanwhile, get rid of all job shares and ANY rep married to a field sales manager.

This is not true you fucking morons. Its written on the HR website for all to see. Spouses pay their own way for job shares. Merck is probably the only company that cuts costs every way possible for the rewards trip

Look around, many with 20-30 years FULL time gone yesterday. The higher ups listened when it came to more reps per ctl. Now hear this "get rid of job shares". Horrible for morale and differentiation. At the least, investigate who the shares are dating, married or related to at Merck. Cronyism at its finest, start in the SE. Any job share sales rep married to a ctl should be forbidden even if in different divisions. I know Riad has his eye on these bogus mommy gigs so speed up the cutting. One stays n one goes, certainly the one who gives ctls blows.

I am a job share not at Merck. Won the trip. Only my flight and meals pad. We pd for my husband. I attend all meetings on my day off( just in jeans). Work just as much. Have more programs and spend more promo than full time partners. I enjoy my days in the field because I don't do it every day. My call avg also better than full timers.
I get half the pay, half the bonus, half the vacay. I am grateful everyday for my job. I make sure I work hard answer emails and texts on my days off so that they can't say anything about my work ethic. I love being a Job share and I make sure not to take it for granted. Oh and not married to anyone in my company etc.

How' about programs like MMFs? Show for a meal makes a whole days work. LoL!, Wow, what a deal! Entitlement babes or a new breed of reps.

Share signing in here, haven't worked since late June layoffs. My counterparts do all the work while I cart my kids around. School and mom duties first, work second. The rest of yall are fools and thanks for the fleet car.

Please Can cheer each other up ...? Please ... I have worked with 3 sets of job shares.. they did not do their job... They were there for the use of the company vehicle and Merck benefits... That is why I am not high on them... I am sure there is a pair out there are may be very good...have not seen them..

Did they ever catch the poopie bandit share who took dumps in sample rooms? Out west so I was told.

I am a job share not at Merck. Won the trip. Only my flight and meals pad. We pd for my husband. I attend all meetings on my day off( just in jeans). Work just as much. Have more programs and spend more promo than full time partners. I enjoy my days in the field because I don't do it every day. My call avg also better than full timers.
I get half the pay, half the bonus, half the vacay. I am grateful everyday for my job. I make sure I work hard answer emails and texts on my days off so that they can't say anything about my work ethic. I love being a Job share and I make sure not to take it for granted. Oh and not married to anyone in my company etc.
What you actually are is a bad politically correct leach on Merck and society.

Tks for posting job share. Glad you had time to chime in between picking up the kids from school. Don't forget your big day manana, working 10-2 whilst shopping 12-1 and cell phone squaking for an hour. And would you please clean up your fleet car for field visits. Ctl's are tired of smelly soccer clothes, snacks and homework being strewn about.

Lmfao!!!! These positions are deafly sickening. How many in US field sales? Is this a joke? I know of no shared jobs and doubt that Riadd guy would allow this.

Not sure it has anything to do with respect. If folks are getting whacked why would the company continue to fund two people, two cars two insurances and so forth? Half the time I don't know when they are around. The only reason I see that this continues is that it is a P.R. Scam so that Merck looks good on the front page of some magazine that says they are good for working mothers...period...