Why don't Job Shares get respect?

Valid point..........but why not convert all those who make it into a game, into a REAL part time gig?

Finally catch up with the ones cut the corners, work the system, take advantage?

........Kiddie drop, 8:00/8:30.......off to Starbucks for Morning Joe.......detour to the gym, forget samples, running late! One call down, then rfm, munch and jive. One more call then off for a Dunkin Latte and pick up the kids. Check mark a few calls while waiting for the bell.....off to soccer by 3:30PM!! Ipad and computer locked in the trunk for the night! What a day!!! Workin' hard for the money!

Your details are correct except the timing. The job shares that have been followed work 9-2:30 at the most, usually much less. I assure you they are being tracked and followed by many. Useless Aholes.

They get no respect for the same reason every other Merck deep gets no respect. What they do is a joke.

Did any shares win the Cabo trip? If so, only one goes, right? They go together as 2 persons with no spouses? If two shares go with spouses that's BS. Then I demand 4 airline tickets for my full time VP win. XPOSE THIS TYPE OF BULLSH#@! I doubt any shares won, that would really piss people off.

Valid point..........but why not convert all those who make it into a game, into a REAL part time gig?

Finally catch up with the ones cut the corners, work the system, take advantage?

........Kiddie drop, 8:00/8:30.......off to Starbucks for Morning Joe.......detour to the gym, forget samples, running late! One call down, then rfm, munch and jive. One more call then off for a Dunkin Latte and pick up the kids. Check mark a few calls while waiting for the bell.....off to soccer by 3:30PM!! Ipad and computer locked in the trunk for the night! What a day!!! Workin' hard for the money!

This is methodology of some full time reps. Easy day for big pay!

Did any shares win the Cabo trip? If so, only one goes, right? They go together as 2 persons with no spouses? If two shares go with spouses that's BS. Then I demand 4 airline tickets for my full time VP win. XPOSE THIS TYPE OF BULLSH#@! I doubt any shares won, that would really piss people off.

How' about programs like MMFs? Show for a meal makes a whole days work. LoL!, Wow, what a deal! Entitlement babes or a new breed of reps.

How' about programs like MMFs? Show for a meal makes a whole days work. LoL!, Wow, what a deal! Entitlement babes or a new breed of reps.

Is this post even true? I was unaware we had positions listed as job shares. If this is true why not just use inventiv? Bring in coffee, show pix of the tikes, sign here doc and done, one and done as ole JJ used to say. They share a car and ipad I assume? Details.

1. After only working 2.5 days a week I am refreshed and invigorated so when the next week starts I am more effective than the full time reps who just worked 5 days straight.

2. We have two heads to solve problem customers. Teamwork!

3. We can cover for each other when off for vacations or sick.

4. We can cheer each other on when one of us is down!

Hey sicko, I enjoyed bullet #3 above. Every day is a vacation for these shares. Give these jobs to one person for 5k per month. Job scares, knob shares! Yuck.

Is this post even true? I was unaware we had positions listed as job shares. If this is true why not just use inventiv? Bring in coffee, show pix of the tikes, sign here doc and done, one and done as ole JJ used to say. They share a car and ipad I assume? Details.

Indeed merck still has job sharing. In fact, there are reps (shares) married to managers. They couldn't detail a pet rock but get accolades. People are contemplating suing as this creates a bad work environment for others. I think this work arrangement has been exposed and next wave of cuts will cause problems if shares stay and others go. I do know shares work activity has been monitored for at least the last 6 mos. Unsure what HR plans to do. Thankfully there aren't too many shares in the panhandle. Yippee.

1. After only working 2.5 days a week I am refreshed and invigorated so when the next week starts I am more effective than the full time reps who just worked 5 days straight.

2. We have two heads to solve problem customers. Teamwork!

3. We can cover for each other when off for vacations or sick.

4. We can cheer each other on when one of us is down!

Why would you ask anyone on this site about job shares?
Ever notice how many bozos post comments during the time they should be working but aren't?
Many can't spell or write a complete sentence.
They don't think, so why ask their opinions?

There were two pairs of job share reps in my district.
They were terrific as F/T salespeople and just as good as job shares.
Keep on enjoying yourself!

Your details are correct except the timing. The job shares that have been followed work 9-2:30 at the most, usually much less. I assure you they are being tracked and followed by many. Useless Aholes.

Have been followed? Like a private eye or is it, CSI?
Incredible....super sleuths! ......so cool!!!

BTW are those jobs posted? Sure is a step over the deli and donut routine.

Why would you ask anyone on this site about job shares?
Ever notice how many bozos post comments during the time they should be working but aren't?
Many can't spell or write a complete sentence.
They don't think, so why ask their opinions?

There were two pairs of job share reps in my district.
They were terrific as F/T salespeople and just as good as job shares.
Keep on enjoying yourself!

Eye ahgree an dis postin is getin olde. Dese shares are smart n worke 12 hour dayze, 2 at worke an da otha 10 doin kiddo stuff an on da cell yappin to udders bout notin. Fryday is neer, will da shares mayke a call by 9 tirty an der last one at three? Can't fynd da malasian playne but a 10 th grayder can ping yo fleet sat signal anytyme. Bee wel.

Its better to have 1 person make 100K and one other make 0, than 2 people make 50K each. Merck 101.

Yes sir, heard some shares share 120 ++++ salary and bonus. Shoot, surprised they aren't LER's just to piss off people more! Give some youngin the job for half that with less bonus, one car, one person to send to meetings and ONE for a ctl to manage. These job-shares dumb down the job and cost way to much. Heard Riad will mandate "one stays n one goes" with the added bonus of a salary reduction for the share that's spared. Finally a good sound business decision during these frugal times.

Yes sir, heard some shares share 120 ++++ salary and bonus. Shoot, surprised they aren't LER's just to piss off people more! Give some youngin the job for half that with less bonus, one car, one person to send to meetings and ONE for a ctl to manage. These job-shares dumb down the job and cost way to much. Heard Riad will mandate "one stays n one goes" with the added bonus of a salary reduction for the share that's spared. Finally a good sound business decision during these frugal times.

Aren't there a pair of hospital shares in KC that are LER's?

Yes sir, heard some shares share 120 ++++ salary and bonus. Shoot, surprised they aren't LER's just to piss off people more! Give some youngin the job for half that with less bonus, one car, one person to send to meetings and ONE for a ctl to manage. These job-shares dumb down the job and cost way to much. Heard Riad will mandate "one stays n one goes" with the added bonus of a salary reduction for the share that's spared. Finally a good sound business decision during these frugal times.

Ah yes you are accurate with riad. One share will stay full time but be at s1 not to exceed 78k. This isn't isolated and will occur across the board with variances. Shares will get screwed based on the half time service they accrued. Riad will reset the dial at a lower band claiming past performance cannot be assessed as two contributors were accountable for sales. Expect this language soon intertwined with more net sales bs. In particular, "j" shares are screwed as are many other employees. Expect a crappy summer-better holiday now rather than later. Sorry shares, the gig is up and is a hq priority.

oh yes - let's single out and fire all the part time, female working mothers across the company and see if the company doesn't get sued. very sound strategy to cut costs.

also this was a pretty bad post to start up. to the op - i think you were just asking to be blasted! sorry to say.

oh yes - let's single out and fire all the part time, female working mothers across the company and see if the company doesn't get sued. very sound strategy to cut costs.

also this was a pretty bad post to start up. to the op - i think you were just asking to be blasted! sorry to say.

I think you misread the post, many will be fired whether you are a job share or not. Merck plans to offer one job share a full time job, how can they be sued? The better question is, when will Merck be sued by non job shares as they never get cut during layoffs? There is case law precedent at other companies where this happened. Expect half the shares to go in the next round, the better share wins the position. This is a fact in motion, better kiss your ctl's rear. A jury won't side with a share as Merck went above and beyond accomodating for years. They won't side with moms sob stories.


Hoz about the FT job shares? AKA some team coworkers. Why are they entitled to play peek-a-boo and hide n' seek? they should be in the real job share roles instead of collecting gold bricks and expecting everyone else to do their work!!!!!

I think you misread the post, many will be fired whether you are a job share or not. Merck plans to offer one job share a full time job, how can they be sued? The better question is, when will Merck be sued by non job shares as they never get cut during layoffs? There is case law precedent at other companies where this happened. Expect half the shares to go in the next round, the better share wins the position. This is a fact in motion, better kiss your ctl's rear. A jury won't side with a share as Merck went above and beyond accomodating for years. They won't side with moms sob stories.


Rebadged or laid off isn't being fired

They do the same job as any rep, just a lot less hours. Why no respect? Your a full time rep, paying the mtge, bills, kids, etc..you kinda of need this job to keep it all afloat...full time rep views job share as someone (usually female) with a nice hobby with benefits and less pressure.

They do the same job as any rep, just a lot less hours. Why no respect? Your a full time rep, paying the mtge, bills, kids, etc..you kinda of need this job to keep it all afloat...full time rep views job share as someone (usually female) with a nice hobby with benefits and less pressure.

Ever notice these jobs are given to relatives & spouses. Good lord, this is a corporation not some family business. Step it up Mr. Frazier, everyone is tired of this.

Perhaps we should exhaust this post, I think we know how people feel about these sort of jobs if that's what you call it.