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Why Do You Guys Complain So Much?

Most of these reps don't make nearly as much as they claim.

The only ones that may be paid well are specialty reps or those that have been with one company for a long time. And if they are highly paid they are vulnerable when they layoffs come.

And if they lose a job, it's unlikely they will get another at the same salary.

Again- you prove your reading comprehension is poor. My comment was - I guessed you have poor listening skills---BASED on your POOR reading comprehension-- as those two traits often go hand in hand.

I am sure you are lost now, since you can only read and comprehend every 5 words.

In the end for you, as you pointed out, it is all about the "perks". There are other people out there that would trade the "perks" for actually being allowed to be solely responsible and accountable for their own business without the ridiculous antics.

I have experienced that from time to time, however this industry is notorious for reverting back to the old antics.

Maybe, the old juvenile antics always return because the people that lead these organizations--know that people like me - capable and wanting a challenge are a minority--compared to people like you - who just care about the "perks".

not lost. Just can't believe I'm actually bantering back and forth with a douche. Its clear to me that you are a smart ass and you're probably like that in your sales profession. Not sure how you have been successful but hell, on here, you can be anybody you want. You could be a 20 time president's award winner if you want. So who are you THIS week?

And once again you are wrong. I know NOBODY that would give the "perks" up for the unknown like starting up your own business. Because having your own business is really the ONLY way you can be solely responsible and accountable...
Not many other options.

so, giddyup.

not lost. Just can't believe I'm actually bantering back and forth with a douche. Its clear to me that you are a smart ass and you're probably like that in your sales profession. Not sure how you have been successful but hell, on here, you can be anybody you want. You could be a 20 time president's award winner if you want. So who are you THIS week?

And once again you are wrong. I know NOBODY that would give the "perks" up for the unknown like starting up your own business. Because having your own business is really the ONLY way you can be solely responsible and accountable...
Not many other options.

so, giddyup.

You are bantering with yourself. YOU are the only poster that has mentioned anything about having your own business. YOU are also the one that used "perks" to justify your satisfaction with Pharma. Further, you go on to post that having your own business is the ONLY way way to be solely responsible. You base this on what? Your admitted 20 years in the Pharma industry?
20 years of detailing and you still cannot provide a clear, consistent message.

giddy up - yes indeed -

You are bantering with yourself. YOU are the only poster that has mentioned anything about having your own business. YOU are also the one that used "perks" to justify your satisfaction with Pharma. Further, you go on to post that having your own business is the ONLY way way to be solely responsible. You base this on what? Your admitted 20 years in the Pharma industry?
20 years of detailing and you still cannot provide a clear, consistent message.

giddy up - yes indeed -

Did you read any of my post, Captain Obvious? And I'm the one who doesn't "get it"? lol...

You are a regular yuckfest. Let me help you out. If you carefully scroll up which I think your capable of doing...You will clearly see where I said that I have FRIENDS. Yes, people that you're close too. We call them "friends" down here in the Southeast but I'm sure you already know that because you're so incredibly bright and apparently smarter than everybody else here on CP. I have Friends who OWN THEIR OWN BUSINESS and I have other friends that work in banking, finance, accounting, real-estate, construction so by sheer logic, we kinda talk about what they do for a living at parties and get-togethers. And we kinda talk about things like accountability and sole responsibility. And most would kill to do what I do. I can't tell you how many people want to get into this industry....The headaches and incompetence in owning your own business and things like hiring reliable employees is a living nightmare and most would like to be doing something else. I don't blame them. Just because you don't believe me, doesn't mean others don't and frankly I don't really give a shit. I think people like you take our jobs for granted and the bitching and moaning along with the wishing you had something different is something that applies to ANY job profession. I am beginning to sound like a broken record here but when you are trying to explain your point to a douche with his head in the sand, you have to sometimes repeat yourself over and over...

wait a minute...a douche doesn't have ears. OMG ! I FIGURED OUT WHY YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT ! Wow...makes sense now.

Hello "PERK"y-

You write a jumbled monologue.
Then you want readers to scroll up to read more of your senseless rambling.
No thanks.
You really need to work on clear and consistent messaging.

Oh, "PERK"y!
So proud of you. You were able to reply with a concise message. Clear? No, a little muddled. However, your delivery has definitely improved. My work here is done.

Good luck to you sweet "PERK"y.


The fact that you are a career pharmaceutical person raises many red flags about you.

1. You really can't be taken seriously, because you are working for one of the most corrupt industries in the world.
2. You are probably not a "thinker". Some introspection should have led you to at least explore other options.
3. You are a "yes" person all the way through, because only "yes" people make it. It has nothing to do with talent.

Not tying to be mean. I spent over 10 years in the industry, and knew after 6 months that it was a joke, but the ease of the job and the money was too good to pass up. Once I started thinking about the side effects of these products, the criminal activity of the company I was working for, and the stupid management, then I had to get out.

Good luck to you. You seem like a smart person, but very shallow and naïve to how the real world works. You live in your little pharmaceutical sales bubble, and my suggestion is to take a more critical view of the industry. Don't quit. The job is great. But, be more critical of it, and you will understand

In the end it really comes down to doing the best you can with the skills you have to provide for your family. The point of a job is to generate income not define your self worth in the universe. Pharma is nothing magical it's just another job. Personally I think people who are trying to find 'meaning' or some higher purpose in their job to bolster their ego are the ones who are naive. My neighbor has been a factory worker at GM for 20 some years.
He easily made 90K-100K with overtime. Probably didn't find the job 'meaningful' but provided well for his family.

Oh, "PERK"y!
So proud of you. You were able to reply with a concise message. Clear? No, a little muddled. However, your delivery has definitely improved. My work here is done.

Good luck to you sweet "PERK"y.


Dude...Sorry, Dudette.....your work was done about 8 replies ago.

Good banter, though. Glad you stuck around after your ass was handed to ya....

So feisty ! I likey !

This is the OP here, I see that this post is very active, I wish that the Anonymous thing could be turned off so we can actually have a direct dialogue with each other though. Not sure why that's there in the first place.

Great discussion guys, but I will state my questions one more time for the group of guys here who bash the Pharma industry but still work in it, because to be honest with you, I STILL didn't get any concrete answers.

- If you hate the industry so much, why have you remained in the industry so long when you could leave at anytime?

- If the answer to number one is perks and compensation, why do you feel as though the perks and compensation don't justify the negative things you have to deal with within the industry?

- For all of the negative things you listed that you have to deal with within the industry, can you please explain to me how starting your own business be it an independent sales office, a restaurant, etc., is going to give you less headaches when you will have 10 times the amount of responsibility than you do now? This includes having to manage raising capital, hiring employees or contractors, doing your own market research, doing your own marketing, paying for legal, paying for accounting, paying for equipment, paying for electronics, paying for consult, paying for health insurance, managing your own retirement, paying for your ENTIRE Fica tax, etc., on top of actually LIVING in the business on a daily business?

- For all of the negative things you listed that you have to deal with within the industry, can you please name me ANY OTHER W-2 position that doesn't also include the same issues you listed? Someone mentioned Teaching, Teaching is a very stressful job as well as you are dealing with many different students with many different personalities, as well as Board members, etc. I don't get how Teaching is somehow a stress-free job.

If you guys could respond to my questions that would be great, I also apologize for losing my temper before, I was just getting frustrated with the responses that didn't seem to really address my questions. A lot of the responses on here are just flat out childish for some reason, I think the Anonymous posting ability adds to that. If you guys could keep it a little civil and less childish that would be great.

This is the OP here, I see that this post is very active, I wish that the Anonymous thing could be turned off so we can actually have a direct dialogue with each other though. Not sure why that's there in the first place.

Great discussion guys, but I will state my questions one more time for the group of guys here who bash the Pharma industry but still work in it, because to be honest with you, I STILL didn't get any concrete answers.

- If you hate the industry so much, why have you remained in the industry so long when you could leave at anytime?

- If the answer to number one is perks and compensation, why do you feel as though the perks and compensation don't justify the negative things you have to deal with within the industry?

- For all of the negative things you listed that you have to deal with within the industry, can you please explain to me how starting your own business be it an independent sales office, a restaurant, etc., is going to give you less headaches when you will have 10 times the amount of responsibility than you do now? This includes having to manage raising capital, hiring employees or contractors, doing your own market research, doing your own marketing, paying for legal, paying for accounting, paying for equipment, paying for electronics, paying for consult, paying for health insurance, managing your own retirement, paying for your ENTIRE Fica tax, etc., on top of actually LIVING in the business on a daily business?

- For all of the negative things you listed that you have to deal with within the industry, can you please name me ANY OTHER W-2 position that doesn't also include the same issues you listed? Someone mentioned Teaching, Teaching is a very stressful job as well as you are dealing with many different students with many different personalities, as well as Board members, etc. I don't get how Teaching is somehow a stress-free job.

If you guys could respond to my questions that would be great, I also apologize for losing my temper before, I was just getting frustrated with the responses that didn't seem to really address my questions. A lot of the responses on here are just flat out childish for some reason, I think the Anonymous posting ability adds to that. If you guys could keep it a little civil and less childish that would be great.

Any state job is going to be less stressful because there is not as much micromanagement as their is almost no care for the bottom line or stock price...and you get paid more per hour, have better long term benefits, and more job stability vs. Wacky pharma world. That is a fact.

To " The OP"
If anonymous posting bothers you than add your name. Add your phone number and email as as well.
Why complain about something that you can control? You can control whether or not your posts are anonymous and if you do not like anonymous message boards than you can control whether or not you visit them. Moreover, if you don't like the answers you are getting then don't read them anymore.


ok, original poster, you obviously spent some time thinking about an industry you freely admit you have not been in...I got so bored reading this thread at about your third rant in, I thought I would sum it up- CP is purely popular because A. It has been around so long it's part of most reps daily routine, it's a dead space-time filler/habit. and B. It is anonymous.
Over 20 years in pharma, out now and enjoying a different career in public health. Bottom line is, the reason people in pharma rant on CP: simple, CP has been around almost 2 decades. Drug rep job is a lonely job, a phony lonely job in many ways. Reps can trust no one. They are all phony. You really can not trust anyone you are in a district or national sales team with. How could you? Force stack ranking pits all reps against each-other for a defined pool of incentive comp money, stack ranking makes your peers your only true competition. Not the other product in your market space. Plus, you see your team of 8-12, or the sales force once a quarter at best, mostly once a year at sales meetings. No one is in an office together so there is nothing 'natural about it": all phony world. As a result, no sales rep would dare to show their true hand or their insecurities. They don't trust each-other, don't know each-other, and it's phony-er than hell. Pharma/Bio Pharma is a pony scheme inside the peter principle. Managers on up prevented to have things to do, and need to have a team to justify their non-sense tasks, and so it rolls along, up and down the line. At each leave in sales and marketing, each need to pretend they are so important and valuable, to justify their pay and benefits. Bottom line it's all quite fake and they know it (guilt)!
The end result, the lovely world of anonymous wine and complain on CP! they are looking to feel better about themselves. They hope to vent with no remorse or repercussions. The lonely, phony world of pharma sales.