If you work in a "Pod" suffice to say you have not progressed in your career. If you are a big pharma sales rep in anything other than a highly specialized field like oncology, HIV, MS, Hep you have not progressed in your career. Also going from selling drug x in the community to getting 'promoted' to sell drug x in the hospital is also not career progression. Lastly 'in role' promotions like 'executive' or 'consultant' is not career progression. What's funny is now I get why you dummies are stuck in big Pharma and unhappy...unconscious don't know what you don't know. There is a whole different world out there that you people have no idea about.
Oh, I agree with that. My point was that this job started as "specialty" - ok, sort of special and certainly not like the biotech job where I was downsized (worked alone, put together care teams, did contracting, etc). When you are unemployed and need to pay for a mortgage, you will take any job even if it is back to selling pills. I have a guy on my team who was a DM and also worked in charge of international marketing for another biotech. He took the job too and I'm pretty sure management fed him the same crock of shit they fed me to bring me onboard. This is so not a progression. I have not felt this lame since working in primary care for BMS. This might actually be worse as at BMS we had ONE FV every six weeks. Here, we have three or four in one month b/c of the manager to rep ratio! We are not even a fucking POD. We are a cluster fuck. All we do is fake calls and wait for the ride along to shuffle our collective schedules so that we have some place to take the tool. I would laugh if it were not so very sad.
My biotech job, we had to memorize about 150 studies and really know them inside and out. My boss thinks THIS job is very clinical as we have a "new" study. It is 10 pages long and compared itself to a gold standard that is no longer used. Wow! That is clinical selling!
Honestly, my depression over all of this is so crushing and I'm old that most days I seriously just pray for death while I still have 400k in life insurance. It is that bad.