Why choose masterbation?

Read all the other posting and then ask why? These people are a most pathetic lot much to the distain of their senior management that aren't any better!

Slime begets slime, et alia!

Let's face it. Masterbation after glow is as sensual and relaxing as it can be, without the guilt and thoughts about performance anxiety. There's the fact that you won't get an std or get pregnant. There's the wonderful expectation that you can indulge yourself any where, any time, and any place. Hotels worldwide protect your access to a wide range of sexual preferences a la their select movie channel conduit. Just ask Carmen Diaz for her take on this situation. Safe sex, release of sexual tension, no guilt , no promise to "call me" afterwards.

Masturbation remains the peoples choice for good reason. Respect our decision to do so!Whacka whacka whacka whacka then .........ahhhhhhhhh.......relief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!