Why are you still at BMS Oncology?

Are you naive, stupid, just looking for sympathy, or a lost soul. This is a private company. They pay us what the market demands. I make my quota, that's my responsibility to the company. If I can do that in 1,2,5,7 days makes no difference. It's called efficiency, working smart. This goes right to the top of all large companies. CEO's making millions for their hard work? Hardly. They just do what they have to do to keep stock price up, or last long enough to get their bonuses or parachutes despite company's performance.

Want to complain about high salaries, you need to look at the public sector. Mostly parasites top to bottom.

So, dry your tears, suck it up, and get a job in pharma. You'll love it.

BMS is a public company not private you absolute pond scum moron

This company is a joke.

The problem is that the culture discourages open and honest communication so no one will ever tell it how it really is for best of the organization. There is a "shoot the messenger" mentality in this organization and it goes all the way up to the executive suites, most notably, MG, who has been the primary source of most of this toxic culture at BMS yet he continues to skyward his way towards future chief executive officer for reasons I don't understand....35 billion $$ loss in mkt value since Aug of 2016 being one....

The problem is that the culture discourages open and honest communication so no one will ever tell it how it really is for best of the organization. There is a "shoot the messenger" mentality in this organization and it goes all the way up to the executive suites, most notably, MG, who has been the primary source of most of this toxic culture at BMS yet he continues to skyward his way towards future chief executive officer for reasons I don't understand....35 billion $$ loss in mkt value since Aug of 2016 being one....

Exactly Right. Too big, or in the case of most Pharma companies, too wonderful, to fail.
Upper management, aka, incompetent, world class ass kissers just keep doing the same thing and expect different results......insanity, stupidity, and laziness.

The problem is that the culture discourages open and honest communication so no one will ever tell it how it really is for best of the organization. There is a "shoot the messenger" mentality in this organization and it goes all the way up to the executive suites, most notably, MG, who has been the primary source of most of this toxic culture at BMS yet he continues to skyward his way towards future chief executive officer for reasons I don't understand....35 billion $$ loss in mkt value since Aug of 2016 being one....

Exactly Right. Too big, or in the case of most Pharma companies, too wonderful, to fail.
Upper management, aka, incompetent, world class ass kissers just keep doing the same thing and expect different results......insanity, stupidity, and laziness.

Why do I stay? Well yesterday was a typical day. 6 = 1 with barely any customer access makes the territory part of the job mostly unworkable. I woke up around 8:30 AM and laid in bed for an hour or so watching the news and playing on my phone. Got a call from a pod mate and we both joked about this job for 20 mins or so. Made breakfast around 9:45 just in time to catch the first half hour of Hoda and Kathy Lee. Then I plowed through some emails and admin / training stuff till noon. Had a great 5k around my neighborhood which gets me to a bit after 1pm. Time for lunch while I watch a DVR of noontime local news. Back to BMS stuff now with Spotlight, Smart Alerts and all the box checking crap for an hour or so. Decided to put some mileage on the car and went out around 2:30 pm to do a literature drop an hour away, but I got discouraged and lazy and went shoe shopping at the mall instead. Called my boss around 3:45 with some fleeting question so she won't bother me for a few days. Home a bit before 5pm to check email one final time.

This is a very typical day and for this I'm paid 160 - 190k per year. Not a bad deal. Does this answer your question, OP?

Who said anything about being proud? I am just simply stating a fact. There is not enough quality customer access to warrant a six person sales configuration in my geography and we are grossly overstaffed. when we all go gangbusters and hit the accounts with six = one overkill we have received numerous feedback that we are interacting too much with the accounts and they close the doors to us. We have told multiple layers of management about this and they don't listen at all. So we do what we do because we really have no choice.

Also, pretending to be a patient is pretty low even for someone who is trolling on this website


BMS is the very reason that accounts are limiting access. Now AZ has 6 Onc reps per territory. Why do you think BMS has to hire 6 reps? Because most only work part time anyway. Not because of a lack of work ethic but because we also have to maintain some level of dignity and when our primary care leadership cares more about call metrics than actual sales then this is what happens. Won't be long before Bms makes us get signatures from accounts we see just to say we were there.

Are you naive, stupid, just looking for sympathy, or a lost soul. This is a private company. They pay us what the market demands. I make my quota, that's my responsibility to the company. If I can do that in 1,2,5,7 days makes no difference. It's called efficiency, working smart. This goes right to the top of all large companies. CEO's making millions for their hard work? Hardly. They just do what they have to do to keep stock price up, or last long enough to get their bonuses or parachutes despite company's performance.

Want to complain about high salaries, you need to look at the public sector. Mostly parasites top to bottom.

So, dry your tears, suck it up, and get a job in pharma. You'll love it.

I bet that was written by Lynelle.