Why are we so underpaid?

The RDS got a $20k raise???? And then another raise? And we haven’t had an across the board raise in years?

And someone has the nerve to dismiss that as irrelevant? I think it’s more than relevant. If it were based on performance, kudos. Good for them. But this sounds like it was arbitrary. I miss those random conference calls when they gave us GOOD news like that.

Yes can confirm this happened in 2019 $20K across the board. The starting RD salary was and is still extremely low

And you paid for that raise by robbing the reps of their bonus in Q3 of 2019.

Relax kitten. The company made a decision on who was worth retaining and keeping happy.

You weren’t part of it and can’t seem to get the message that we don’t really care if you stay or go.

Id love to help you, but I’m not seeing any job postings for whiny, entitled unsuccessful sales rep.