Can anyone here post the 3 page script?
You Are Fired !!
Can anyone here post the 3 page script?
You Are Fired !!
You are come drunk.
It's true. VT IS the root of most problems with MDL. No degree. No experience before ME promoted her. People were very upset and some quit. EM did not listen then and does not listen now. She pits people against each other. Makes shit up like an immature teenager. She embodies every antonym of wisdom. No person has generated more sheer hatred than VT. When EM eventually fires VT he will instantly become the lab industry's most popular person and MDL will immediately go up in productivity, value and morale. VT can crawl back under her rock in a dark place.
101% true. But.......don't fret too much. I hear someone named Bridgett is now the new VP. Anyone tell me how this compares to VT's position? Sure. DE-MOTED. Emphasis on DE. Finally, EM is realizing the toxic environment VT has fostered. Funny. If Bridgett does anything VT doesn't like or they have a personality conflict can VT make s#$% up about her like she does everyone else? Can VT influence EM to fire her? Can VT fire her? Genius. Let's see how far down the totem pole VT gets pushed down before she understands the gravity of what's happening to her. She should go seek long term therapy and never get employed anywhere ever again. I wonder if her husband ever reads this posts.
First, Bridgette barely finished high school and no college degree. She is simply a mini VT and just VT’s puppet. BB has never had an original thought in her empty little head. VT was promoted to be the VP of all of EM’s entities so I’m going to venture that nothing has changed. If anything it’s probably worse.
101% true. But.......don't fret too much. I hear someone named Bridgett is now the new VP. Anyone tell me how this compares to VT's position? Sure. DE-MOTED. Emphasis on DE. Finally, EM is realizing the toxic environment VT has fostered. Funny. If Bridgett does anything VT doesn't like or they have a personality conflict can VT make s#$% up about her like she does everyone else? Can VT influence EM to fire her? Can VT fire her? Genius. Let's see how far down the totem pole VT gets pushed down before she understands the gravity of what's happening to her. She should go seek long term therapy and never get employed anywhere ever again. I wonder if her husband ever reads this posts.
And, I thought the posts here were / are bad. Glassdoor has more. I have to the conclusion that there is NO hope for the company until VT gets her ass kicked out on the street. Probably will be too late. What does VT have over EM for him to keep her here?? I'm sure he knows she has ruined his company. No other company has this bad of a reputation.........none. She has fostered and perpetuated an entirely hostile environment. Promotes backstabbing and idle gossip. Sooner she is behind bars the better society in general will be.
The sad and pathetic truth is that EM believes that to be an effective manager your team must hate you. VT learned this very early on and made the choice to manage through fear and intimidation to appease the paranoid lunatic Israeli - who by the way doesn't understand, appreciate or respect sales.
You know what they say when you live by the sword. Reminds me of the old Roman senators who lavished themselves in riches while others around them languished. He does NOT care. He only wants more money and he does not care how VT gets it for him. He does understand sales. He does appreciate the outcome of sales ( money ). But, he does NOT respect it. VT has proven she will eventually by his Marcus Junius Brutus.
If EM really understood sales, VT would be long gone....turnover, toxic culture, backstabbing....don't think for a minute he doesn't know exactly whats going on.
And just possibly VT having access to inside information knows all the illegal activities going on and EM can’t fire her without running the risk of her reporting it.If EM really understood sales, VT would be long gone....turnover, toxic culture, backstabbing....don't think for a minute he doesn't know exactly whats going on.
And just possibly VT having access to inside information knows all the illegal activities going on and EM can’t fire her without running the risk of her reporting it.
First, Bridgette barely finished high school and no college degree. She is simply a mini VT and just VT’s puppet. BB has never had an original thought in her empty little head. VT was promoted to be the VP of all of EM’s entities so I’m going to venture that nothing has changed. If anything it’s probably worse.
Who cares about her education. She's pornstar hot.
Regardless, it's so incredibly embarrassing to walk into an office and talk about MDL. It's gotten to the point that as soon as I begin talking that I sometimes get stopped mid-sentence. The office has heard of MDL and I'm shown the door. Saps my morale to do anything so most days I don't. I catch up on my movies for the week. Meet different friends for lunch and drink.......and drink. So depressed I put myself in this situation. I hate VT for what she's done and how she turned this company into a toxic hostile environment. I can't even afford the freakin insurance for my medical....and car that I have to carry for MDL.
The base is 50k outside of NY and California. I just left there a week ago.
Why did you leave? How long were you there for? Any parting words of wisdom?
worst lab in industry...50k in New York you qualify for food stamps