Who's laughing now, P4 reps still have a job


For those of you who treated your P4 counterparts like shit and a second class citizen who's laughing now. Karma is a bitch, most of those reps were professionals and let go just like you are now. The only thing I can wish for you is that you are forced to take a contract job and experience the low life behavior of individuals like the Pfizer reps and their DM's. This is no longer a well respected career and to take it so serious is ignorant and just plain stupid, enjoy.


...until November. You all just had a temporary stay of execution toward the unemployment line.

not true. there are always new contracts popping up, and we are first in line for these.

pfizer screwed you over. So what?

most of us worked for better companies than Pfizer and were let go.

I would say the most important thing a person can do in this economy is to invest in themselves (more education, etc).

regardless, contract is here to stay, and P4 reps are in better position that most downsized pfizer reps right now.

Well, the P4 contract is not going to be renewed in 2012 so those PFE reps you're doggin have a jump start on the job market plus a severance package you don't have, so eat it

Well, the P4 contract is not going to be renewed in 2012 so those PFE reps you're doggin have a jump start on the job market plus a severance package you don't have, so eat it

The more rudeness of this sort that I see here, the more inclined I am to designate my practice as "No Reps Visits Allowed." I think I'll get things started next week, in fact.

The more rudeness of this sort that I see here, the more inclined I am to designate my practice as "No Reps Visits Allowed." I think I'll get things started next week, in fact.

Right....I'm sure a doctor is taking the time to read the cp Pfizer boards. That would be pretty pathetic....as pathetic as someone trying to pass themself off as a doctor posting...not sure which is worse.

not true. there are always new contracts popping up, and we are first in line for these.

pfizer screwed you over. So what?

most of us worked for better companies than Pfizer and were let go.

I would say the most important thing a person can do in this economy is to invest in themselves (more education, etc).

regardless, contract is here to stay, and P4 reps are in better position that most downsized pfizer reps right now.

You're a contract rep in pharmaceutical sales. I wouldn't puff your chest out too far. It's not exactly a sought after job.

I am a P4 rep that has more experience and education than my Pfizer counterparts. I have done nothing but work hard and act professional. Our territory numbers have been fantastic and my counterpart has been great. I can tell you that the Pfizer culture is pathetic though and I saw many contract reps get treated poorly. I wouldn't even apply for a Pfizer position that opened up in my area. Who would want to work with a bunch of aholes? I would rather take my chances and go to a different contract or find another job. Pfizer reps are not as great as they think they are and create a toxic, backstabbing environment. These reps that think they are so great do not get that they are one lay off away from begging for a contract job in this economy. Karma will come back and bite those who treated the contract reps badly.

You're a contract rep in pharmaceutical sales. I wouldn't puff your chest out too far. It's not exactly a sought after job.


In this economy, a contract gig is a very good job.

Just ask the thousands of people that can't get these jobs.

Also, these type of comments that "contract is not a good job" are usually from those that have never been downsized and have had lots of luck in their career.

I took a job on this contract 2 years ago and have left since, my Pfizer counterparts changed my list to make me call on all no sees and no or low potential doctors, what a joke. Not a bad job considering there were no lunches no paperwork, limited meetings etc. I took this job because I wanted to, I worked in NY and the managers and reps were all pieces of shit, I just could not deal with it. I seriously doubt it was Pfizer's intention to hire P4 reps only to be pushed out and do nothing. In all my years in phama i have never seen behavior this immature by adults, karma is a bitch and what goes around comes around, I do not want to be associated in anyway with Pfizer at all. horrible.

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