Who should a pharma rep vote for in Nov?

Romney needs to win....we need Obama out...but I fear that with the black and hispanic vote going to Obama, and diehard white liberal Democrats (i.e., east coast, west coast) still supporting him, along with voter fraud (the likes of Acorn), we will be stuck with Obama again...God help us if that happens.

....food stamps and other goodies = votes!

....sad to say this is politics.

The pharma industry requires someone to pay the bills. Goverment will be cutting their spending on anything but defense and the few items that have bribed their way into the budget. If you think that the pharmas are on the list, good for you. If they are not, who's the president won't matter. Pharma sales can represent the general distributed wealth of the country. - rather than total wealth. f the number of uninsured Americans goes up, they will be out of the pool of people consuming full-price medicines, which is the product that high pharma salaries are based on. Like it or not, it is laissez faire socialism - not laissez faire capitalism - that benefits the pharma industry and its employees. Most new jobs created by turning around the economy will be lower paying jobs and are not likely to be providing interesting benefits, including insurance until the unemployment rate drops below 5.5%.

If you are not in sales but are in R&D or Manufacturing, you need to decide who, if anyone, will attempt to keep such jobs in the US. The most likely is not the laissez faire group that feels that whatever capitalists desire is good for the country, whether jobs are retained or not. One way to think of this is to be careful to blindly align yourself to what your company's leaders suggest is the best place for your vote. They also would have all of the R&D and manufacturing jobs gone from the US.

Pharma is one of the key welfare industries, relying less on

Over 60% of vaccines/drugs are paid for by a government entity(medicare/Medicaid/vfc/military/tricare etc...). Government cutbacks hurt state budgets which hurt state medicaid budgets. Federal government cutbacks limit the vaccines for children program. Don't let your racism blind your judgement. Less military spending, small increases on top earners and reform ss and medicaid.

Over 60% of vaccines/drugs are paid for by a government entity(medicare/Medicaid/vfc/military/tricare etc...). Government cutbacks hurt state budgets which hurt state medicaid budgets. Federal government cutbacks limit the vaccines for children program. Don't let your racism blind your judgement. Less military spending, small increases on top earners and reform ss and medicaid.

Its true about the medicaid budget....but maybe that has a silver lining. Interesting...I think a lot of reps have gotten some looks of surprise from prescriber when they hear about the Medicaid medication allotments....shouldn't everyone be on equal par as much as possible? Why does Medicaid Mindy need to get so much more? Certainly her rash treatment should clear up as fast as the amount given to Ida Insurance payer for the same nasty...Maybe everybody including poor 'ol Taxpayer Teddy (who us paying for that Medicaid bill) will get some needed relief too.....

:) .... we all need (serious) comic relief!!!

I am voting for Barack Obama. He's good at cleaning up Republican'ts screw ups (Unfunded wars, unfunded Medicare Part D, out of control healthcare costs by greedy health care companies, BP oil spills and giving the approval to go into unfriendly countries to permanently remove evil people who kill innocent Americans while a previous president buckled under the pressure of being inept).

FU to you Fox News, Drudge Report and Rush Limbaugh koolaid chuggers!

Mitt is going to save this industry??? What have you been smoking? ObamaCare does more to keep pharma in business. You may not like it, but Merck sure does. Mitt could care less for your sorry a@@ job. Mitt puts his dog on top of the car and drives from Boston to Canada. Wake up idiots. Bush got us in this mess and it's going to take a long while to clean it up. You can always make yourself better looking, but you can't change stupid! Wake up!

Mitt is going to save this industry??? What have you been smoking? ObamaCare does more to keep pharma in business. You may not like it, but Merck sure does. Mitt could care less for your sorry a@@ job. Mitt puts his dog on top of the car and drives from Boston to Canada. Wake up idiots. Bush got us in this mess and it's going to take a long while to clean it up. You can always make yourself better looking, but you can't change stupid! Wake up!

ObamaCare will favor generics....price first, innovation last.

I am voting for Barack Obama. He's good at cleaning up Republican'ts screw ups (Unfunded wars, unfunded Medicare Part D, out of control healthcare costs by greedy health care companies, BP oil spills and giving the approval to go into unfriendly countries to permanently remove evil people who kill innocent Americans while a previous president buckled under the pressure of being inept).

FU to you Fox News, Drudge Report and Rush Limbaugh koolaid chuggers!

Thanks for listing those three great "no spin" truthful news sources....I'm sure more people will want to start tuning in for truth today!!

To ask who to vote for in November is a question that should not be asked. It has to be Romney. Having Obama in the Whitehouse reminds me of the late 70's when Carter was president. Unemployment increased every year he was in the office, our national defense was a laughing stock to the other world powers and lets not forget the Iran situation. Does this sound familiar? When he was Candidate Obama he was promoting job creation, were has the job creation been? The job creation is in China, India, etc., we need less government regulations and taxes. Obama needs to be a one term president he has not done anything for this country other than allow jobs to go overseas and keep the unemployed on the unemployment line

The financialization of our economy is the reason we are in deep economic doo doo. Instead of building new companies and new products, Romney has instead invested the corporate money in financial instruments that bring them quick profits but no long lasting benefits for the people. The flow of money out of the USA to other countries is hurting only the little people, not the movers and shakers like Romney. The filthy rich will stay filthy rich while the country slides into third world status.

So, go ahead and vote for Romney. Then when you're let go, you can go knock on his door and ask; where is that job you promised to create?

As someone who is educated and works if you even have to ask that I am shocked. Obama is a socialist. Voting for him is a vote against freedom and the free market.

Too funny. It seems CNN has it 'right.'

"The Republicans' problem is their voters are white, aging and dying off."

Oh so true.

Now they're scared that the rest of the country will come and put on the social constraints the Republican'ts put on everyone else.

Too funny. It seems CNN has it 'right.'

"The Republicans' problem is their voters are white, aging and dying off."

Oh so true.

Now they're scared that the rest of the country will come and put on the social constraints the Republicans put on everyone else.

Massive Mexican influx (as stated), porous borders and giving illegals citizenship or "stay-ability" ensures votes. Who is first to allow and even push on these agendas? Democrats.....

Add to this the birth rates of unmarried, unstable poor...mostly minority ....mostly democratic VS children born to married couples and/or financially stable homes....mostly white....most often GOP.

These are factors what really tip the scales....these journalists missed some big facts...

When we look at the overall image of what could occur down the road with this shift.....it is not upward mobility, prosperity or traditional values as in yesteryears.......sad but it appears more like serious decline and deterioration of this country of ours....

Massive Mexican influx (as stated), porous borders and giving illegals citizenship or "stay-ability" ensures votes. Who is first to allow and even push on these agendas? Democrats.....

Add to this the birth rates of unmarried, unstable poor...mostly minority ....mostly democratic VS children born to married couples and/or financially stable homes....mostly white....most often GOP.

These are factors what really tip the scales....these journalists missed some big facts...

When we look at the overall image of what could occur down the road with this shift.....it is not upward mobility, prosperity or traditional values as in yesteryears.......sad but it appears more like serious decline and deterioration of this country of ours....

Actually, Obama's administration has done more to eliminate illegals in this country than Bush ever did. But, don't let a small fact get in the way of your bias.

Stability of married couples in the GOP? Keep drinking the Kool-aid, kid. Even Reagan failed at that one.

Again, this is all about how badly the good ol'boys treated every one else and now they're afraid they're going to get subjected to the same poor treatment they used to dole out.

Actually, Obama's administration has done more to eliminate illegals in this country than Bush ever did. But, don't let a small fact get in the way of your bias.

Stability of married couples in the GOP? Keep drinking the Kool-aid, kid. Even Reagan failed at that one.

Again, this is all about how badly the good ol'boys treated every one else and now they're afraid they're going to get subjected to the same poor treatment they used to dole out.

Both parties should not get credit in doing more about illegals. The politicians know that is what the people are asking them to take action. Both parties cannot claim to be more pro-family as we have scandals in both camps. Politicians in general are corrupted and untrustworthy. They simply have different slogans and philosophies. Power is their opiate.

In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh ,

had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent

form of government.

A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can

vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.

From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the

most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally

collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has

been about 200 years.

During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

>From bondage to spiritual faith;
>From spiritual faith to great courage;
>From courage to liberty;
>From liberty to abundance;
>From abundance to complacency;
>From complacency to apathy;
>From apathy to dependence;
>From dependence back into bondage."
The Obituary follows:

Born 1776, Died 2012
It doesn't hurt to read this several times.

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul , Minnesota ,

points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:

Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was
mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income
tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the
"complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy,
with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached
the "governmental dependency" phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal
invaders called illegal's - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the
USA in fewer than five years.

If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.

If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at

stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom..

This is truly scary!

Of course we are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic .

Someone should point this out to Obama.

Of course we know he and too many others pay little attention to The Constitution.

There couldn't be more at stake than on Nov 6, 2012.

If you are as concerned as I am please pass this along.

Actually, Obama's administration has done more to eliminate illegals in this country than Bush ever did. But, don't let a small fact get in the way of your bias.

Stability of married couples in the GOP? Keep drinking the Kool-aid, kid. Even Reagan failed at that one.

Again, this is all about how badly the good ol'boys treated every one else and now they're afraid they're going to get subjected to the same poor treatment they used to dole out.

Tell Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer that one...she sure seems frustrated and fed up....and rightly so........ parts of Arizona, Texas and most border states are like the Wild West revisited.....not enough Federal assistance to keep the borders sealed and safe.....Thanks Obama Adminstration for more of the same "do nothing for America"...