Only Right Ken Frazier Should Handpick His Successor

CEO positions take a very rare person who is willing to work all of hours of the day(on-call 24/7) and getting on WEBEX's at 3 AM. Pays well but the QOL sucks - minutes matter.
Getting to the top takes a lot of sacrifices and competency. It is extremely competitive and the competition is just as good as they are.
Ken made some mistakes along the way (Most CEO's do) but he got there because he is competent and his achievements and not because he is a POC.
If a CEO doesn't make $$$$ or makes too many mistakes - THEY ARE GONE no matter what color or gender they are.

“A rare person willing to work all hours of the day” mean a White Male?

How can Black/Brown CEO’s make mistakes or not make money when they aren’t hired to begin with?

You have a problem, stop attributing everything to race, you might be more happy and successful

Everything is about race. Baked in the fabric of America. Your neighbors or hell maybe you that terrorized the Capitol for “Stop The Steal” was about race. Throw Those votes out in Atlanta, Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee, and we win! I wonder why those cities.? Miss me with That Bullshit

Everything is about race. Baked in the fabric of America. Your neighbors or hell maybe you that terrorized the Capitol for “Stop The Steal” was about race. Throw Those votes out in Atlanta, Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee, and we win! I wonder why those cities.? Miss me with That Bullshit
What a miserable way to look at life, being so angry and hateful every single day...Meanwhile, they rest of us will go about enjoying our lives...

Ken seems like a nice guy who was well liked but in terms of stock appreciation and drug development he did not do a great job. Stock has been miserable and the company is being carried by 2 drugs, Keytruda and Bridion which both came from Schering via Organon. Facts don't lie.

“A rare person willing to work all hours of the day” mean a White Male?

How can Black/Brown CEO’s make mistakes or not make money when they aren’t hired to begin with?

You are a racist and stupid bigot.
CEO are company LEADERS. They are because of COMPETENT and DRIVEN and WORK an incredible amount of hours.
These are strong TYPE A personalities - very driven, competitive, determined, and highly competent. You obviously have never taken a personality test.
Doesn't matter if they are the leader of a country or company.
Your racist ass doesn't get that to compete at that level - HIGH IQ, HIGHLY EDUCATED, HIGHLY DRIVEN - this is a very small % of the population.
According to your racist dumb ass - Ken made CEO because he is a POC and not because of his IQ, DRIVE, DETERMINATION, AND HARVARD LAW DEGREE.

“A rare person willing to work all hours of the day” mean a White Male?
How can Black/Brown CEO’s make mistakes or not make money when they aren’t hired to begin with?

Why are the majority of basketball players POC? Approx 80% are POC and the majority of them make a hell of a lot more than Ken Fraizer. From what I recall - the majority used to be white.
Is it because of their ability, competitiveness, and competence?
What happens if they are not at the top of their game?
How much dedication, sacrifices, and time to get there?
What happens if they don't meet expectations?

Quite simple - you have to be good to get there and work your ass off to stay there or you are gone.
Color, race, has nothing to do with it - it is that stupidly obvious.

Your argument is racist and ridiculous.

What do you mean? Could you please expound?
Think about it...widely anticipated that some form of price controls are coming in pharma, one of the few things both Dems and GOP agree on...So we will lose revenue through pricing, will have to make up some of this through internal cost controls. What better message to send to investors that we plan to focus on cutting costs than to name the head of finance as the new CEO? Merck is trying to downsize, become more lean, as evidenced in the Organon spin-off...2021 budgets are not yet approved, they are several hundred million over the lower budget targets set by finance...and yes the 87% scorecard, which surprised even division leaders...

Think about it...widely anticipated that some form of price controls are coming in pharma, one of the few things both Dems and GOP agree on...So we will lose revenue through pricing, will have to make up some of this through internal cost controls. What better message to send to investors that we plan to focus on cutting costs than to name the head of finance as the new CEO? Merck is trying to downsize, become more lean, as evidenced in the Organon spin-off...2021 budgets are not yet approved, they are several hundred million over the lower budget targets set by finance...and yes the 87% scorecard, which surprised even division leaders...
The board signaling and setting the future direction of the company by their choice in the new CEO...Ken did not pick Rob Davis

Think about it...widely anticipated that some form of price controls are coming in pharma, one of the few things both Dems and GOP agree on...So we will lose revenue through pricing, will have to make up some of this through internal cost controls. What better message to send to investors that we plan to focus on cutting costs than to name the head of finance as the new CEO? Merck is trying to downsize, become more lean, as evidenced in the Organon spin-off...2021 budgets are not yet approved, they are several hundred million over the lower budget targets set by finance...and yes the 87% scorecard, which surprised even division leaders...

Government Focus will also be made on Racial “Equity” . All the unfair and unequal hiring done by Pharma will be righted. Susan Rice was hired to do that across all industries.

Government Focus will also be made on Racial “Equity” . All the unfair and unequal hiring done by Pharma will be righted. Susan Rice was hired to do that across all industries.

You really need to get a life, find a hobby besides crying racism all over the guess is your not too bright or motivated, looking for someone or something to blame for your lack of success...a sad existence

still, has anyone done less with all that 5 star talent than Ohio State? If they won the next 6 national championships in a row, they'd still be behind SEC Saban and Alabama.