Who else is ready to Retire and get out this rat race?

Have problems? Wow, that’s a pretty douche bag thing to say. You don’t know other people’s circumstances. Have you paid any attention to the cost of college that has been increasing way beyond the rate of inflation for decades? The amount that it cost for my oldest was SIGNIFICANCY less than what it will be for my youngest. Not all households are dual income. What about single parents? What spouses or kids with significant health issues? Not all of us have spouses with pensions that include healthcare, either. Plenty of people live in areas with much higher costs of living than others, too. You’re an arrogant prick.
Cry baby- go sulk in your bowl of generic fruit loops!

OP has it nailed. You only need 20-30 years of astute savings to launch your retirement career. We paid off our house in 7 years and then saved all my wife's teacher income. Pharma always paid enough to live comfortably. By that I mean not having to worry about money, nice vacations etc. I always brought my wife along to meetings and would tack on days off afterwards to enjoy the subsidized trips. Free cars, 6-8% contributions to 401-Ks and great healthcare all contribute to the best environment for socking it away. If you can't you got problems. Oh yeah, forgot about the President's clubs. She like those the best. Especially after we starting just taking the cash and using them to go places we wanted.

uh one minor detail that keeps most working longer than they want and that’s funded healthcare.

I watched many of my physicians that I called on work their butts off until they retired around 65. And then many were were dead within a year. They never got to enjoy the "Golden Years"!

I observed this over my career and it motivated me to save, save and save. I was able to retire from Novartis at 57 and a half.

Your Healthy and Active Lifespan is much shorter than your overall lifespan. The 50's and early 60's are incredibly valuable years...health issues start to creep in after that.

I want to make sure I have no regrets about staying too long in the workforce when I am 80 and looking back on my life.

Everyone is different. But that is my view whether you like it or not.

Looking forward to my 11:00am tee time on Monday with my dear friends. That is what life is about!!!

I watched many of my physicians that I called on work their butts off until they retired around 65. And then many were were dead within a year. They never got to enjoy the "Golden Years"!

I observed this over my career and it motivated me to save, save and save. I was able to retire from Novartis at 57 and a half.

Your Healthy and Active Lifespan is much shorter than your overall lifespan. The 50's and early 60's are incredibly valuable years...health issues start to creep in after that.

I want to make sure I have no regrets about staying too long in the workforce when I am 80 and looking back on my life.

Everyone is different. But that is my view whether you like it or not.

Looking forward to my 11:00am tee time on Monday with my dear friends. That is what life is about!!!

Jealous & envious. Good for you.

I watched many of my physicians that I called on work their butts off until they retired around 65. And then many were were dead within a year. They never got to enjoy the "Golden Years"!

I observed this over my career and it motivated me to save, save and save. I was able to retire from Novartis at 57 and a half.

Your Healthy and Active Lifespan is much shorter than your overall lifespan. The 50's and early 60's are incredibly valuable years...health issues start to creep in after that.

I want to make sure I have no regrets about staying too long in the workforce when I am 80 and looking back on my life.

Everyone is different. But that is my view whether you like it or not.

Looking forward to my 11:00am tee time on Monday with my dear friends. That is what life is about!!!

Well said. The term is called Healthspan. Diseases like cancer, heart, and diabetes increase dramatically in one's senior years which end your healthspan. Better to retire early if you can and enjoy the important things in life. I also know way too many people toiling in corporate America to keep chasing the dollars while time dwindles away.....never to be recovered. Very sad.

Well said. The term is called Healthspan. Diseases like cancer, heart, and diabetes increase dramatically in one's senior years which end your healthspan. Better to retire early if you can and enjoy the important things in life. I also know way too many people toiling in corporate America to keep chasing the dollars while time dwindles away.....never to be recovered. Very sad.

Unfortunately this is most people and the mistake they make with this position. President’s Club and business awards all mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Your family and health are significantly more important than this nonsensical job. Most people sadly realize that much later than they should.

I’m all for retiring early, especially from the pharma industry as it is now. IMO, 59 1/2 is best time to retire because then you can withdraw 401k monies without penalty. Retirement at 62 even better because then you can start SS early (with 30% reduction in SS monthly benefit, but you receive it 5 years earlier than waiting till 67). Healthcare costs should definitely be considered when retiring early due to how expensive the premiums are until you reach Medicare age. I retired from pharma at 62 and never looked back. I’m enjoying retirement immensely, and I agree with previous posters that, if you’re timing is right, retiring early can be a boon to your health and well being. Read Ernie Zelinski’s “How to retire Happy, Wild, and Free” to gain perspective on the benefits of retirement and how to mentally start preparing now for that next chapter in life!

The United States is huge, there are plenty of places you can move to where the cost-of-living is substantially less than where you are now. It can be done, you just have to plan well and stay within your means. Fight the common thread, keeping up with the Joneses, that little voice telling you to one up your neighbor, focus on you and your family. Invest as much as you can in stable stocks and mutual funds. Before you know it, you’ll have a nice nest egg built up.


The United States is huge, there are plenty of places you can move to where the cost-of-living is substantially less than where you are now. It can be done, you just have to plan well and stay within your means. Fight the common thread, keeping up with the Joneses, that little voice telling you to one up your neighbor, focus on you and your family. Invest as much as you can in stable stocks and mutual funds. Before you know it, you’ll have a nice nest egg built up.

Listen you know-it-all shit, we could all probably retire and live in somewhere with a very low cost of living, but we have friends and family who aren’t going to move. There’s a plethora of other factors, so get a damn hobby and stop preaching to people whose situations you know absolutely nothing about. Seems like you DO need to keep working since you are clearly bored as hell.

Listen you know-it-all shit, we could all probably retire and live in somewhere with a very low cost of living, but we have friends and family who aren’t going to move. There’s a plethora of other factors, so get a damn hobby and stop preaching to people whose situations you know absolutely nothing about. Seems like you DO need to keep working since you are clearly bored as hell.

I'd rather continue to eat shit at Novartis than move to North Dakota or Mississippi. Why even retire if you have to spend your days in a god forsaken hellscape?

I watched many of my physicians that I called on work their butts off until they retired around 65. And then many were were dead within a year. They never got to enjoy the "Golden Years"!

I observed this over my career and it motivated me to save, save and save. I was able to retire from Novartis at 57 and a half.

Your Healthy and Active Lifespan is much shorter than your overall lifespan. The 50's and early 60's are incredibly valuable years...health issues start to creep in after that.

I want to make sure I have no regrets about staying too long in the workforce when I am 80 and looking back on my life.

Everyone is different. But that is my view whether you like it or not.

Looking forward to my 11:00am tee time on Monday with my dear friends. That is what life is about!!!

As someone super young in their career, people like you are an inspiration. I save back as much as I can so I can punch that ticket out early and say fuck you Novartis, I'm out.

As someone super young in their career, people like you are an inspiration. I save back as much as I can so I can punch that ticket out early and say fuck you Novartis, I'm out.

Go for it. I fully retired at 53. I got some rental properties and invested in a couple of businesses to provide income to pay for my family's health insurance until Medicare kicks in. It is nice to be in control of your own time as you see fit. I don't miss dealing with all the corporate BS in America:D

Retired last November after calculating the 8.7% Social Security COLA was more that waiting until FRA.
Maxed out 401K during my career, used state college pre-paid plans to pay for college (no debt), paid my house off 10 years ago, all my cars have over 250K miles and the check engine light is on in all of them, zero CC debt, paying $164/mo. for Medicare B PPO plan, and pay cash for everything.

Live under your means and you'll be fine.

My kids went to a highly rated state university instead of a pricey private college. Drove Fords instead of Beamers. Vacayed in the U.S. instead of overseas.

All that savings over the years helped allowed me to retire at 55 and change. Never had the desire to keep up with the Joneses.

I’m all for retiring early, especially from the pharma industry as it is now. IMO, 59 1/2 is best time to retire because then you can withdraw 401k monies without penalty. Retirement at 62 even better because then you can start SS early (with 30% reduction in SS monthly benefit, but you receive it 5 years earlier than waiting till 67). Healthcare costs should definitely be considered when retiring early due to how expensive the premiums are until you reach Medicare age. I retired from pharma at 62 and never looked back. I’m enjoying retirement immensely, and I agree with previous posters that, if you’re timing is right, retiring early can be a boon to your health and well being. Read Ernie Zelinski’s “How to retire Happy, Wild, and Free” to gain perspective on the benefits of retirement and how to mentally start preparing now for that next chapter in life!

Well said! I will have to pick up that book. Thank you!

My kids went to a highly rated state university instead of a pricey private college. Drove Fords instead of Beamers. Vacayed in the U.S. instead of overseas.

All that savings over the years helped allowed me to retire at 55 and change. Never had the desire to keep up with the Joneses.

Congratulations to you! One thing that helped me retire early was always maxing out my 401K. It was amazing how fast it grew over my 18 years at Novartis.

38 and have 800k in the 401k. Wife will be getting full state pension in another 10 years. I go to the 401k max and IRA overflow every year. The ESPP has been awesome as well, I've been socking 5% away there as well. I want out as early as possible.

Also changed the 401k to money market the November before the market shit the bed. That helped immensely.

My husband and I are part of the FIRE movement. Been with Novartis for over a decade. Should be able to retire at 53. Only about four more years to go!! Will be able to spend lots of time with my two kids!