Which Reps are Leaving the OBU?

By signing your noncompete:

1) Forfeiture of local jurisdiction protections. Any violation of injunction will be tried in Mass

2) Agreed no not compete with any business entity that is similar in product or service .

3) Agreed not to promote to previous customers

All these apply for one year after termination— no matter if you’re fired, laidoff or voluntarily leave.

The language is broad enough where they certainly have the option to argue in court. Question is whether they think you’re worth it .

Best advice is to keep your mouth shut and see how other leaving reps are treated before you disclose where you’re going.

Remember, Shire will hold you personally liable in court —not the new company you’re with .

to play along, if shire were to go after anyone for non compete they would have to hire an attorney in that state. rep then hires an attorney. it won’t stick. they rarely do. shire then pays over $100,000 to try to keep you from going elsewhere? find a mediation judge who would uphold a noncompete in our situation. it’s nonsense. never happen. they don’t care enough about any one of us to do this to make a statement. they are looking for jobs too. guarantee many have something lined up already. and I suppose you know Steven Zhang went to Kala as VP.

to play along, if shire were to go after anyone for non compete they would have to hire an attorney in that state. rep then hires an attorney. it won’t stick. they rarely do. shire then pays over $100,000 to try to keep you from going elsewhere? find a mediation judge who would uphold a noncompete in our situation. it’s nonsense. never happen. they don’t care enough about any one of us to do this to make a statement. they are looking for jobs too. guarantee many have something lined up already. and I suppose you know Steven Zhang went to Kala as VP.

Bravo.......very well said!
They don’t care about the non compete, it just means less severance payments when Novartis or Allergan buys X.
Many people have left and gone to other eye care companies and there have not been any issues for them.

Bravo.......very well said!
They don’t care about the non compete, it just means less severance payments when Novartis or Allergan buys X.
Many people have left and gone to other eye care companies and there have not been any issues for them.
Exactly! I think they sent the letter to Dompé because it's being headed up by other ex Genentech/Lucentis people and MS/JS have an axe to grind

No way the non-compete holds any water at all. Everyone in medical has left to go to other eye care companies. NBU reps never signed non-compete when they sold X. Just resign and don’t look back. I am looking and not worried at all about the non-compete. They would be stupid to try to enforce anything AND Shire will be Takeda in like 50 days. If they do, just blow the whistle around the Med D coupon fraud, the FRM HIPPAA violations daily, environment of sexual harassment, and the off label promotion for LASIK and cataract surgery.

THIS plus Takeda has stated, in the public domain, that they will divest the OBU. Also, many reps’ territories have doubled in size and is not the job they originally agreed to. I’m leaving and I did have an employment attorney look at the non-compete. They said it hold zero weight and not to worry about it. Proceed to leave this dump!

So let me get this straight. Original hire OBU people that were here for disease state signed a non compete. People who were hired after the DSA or launch didn't. People as high up as Steven Zhang have left and gone to competition without so much as a peep. Numerous managers have left and gone to eyepoint, aerie, and others but now they are throwing a fit about Dompé and Kala people.

I am leaving and not worried at all about the non-compete. Less than 10% hit goal and nobody making money. I have to make money to support my family. I will not be held hostage or be a slave to this company. IF they sent something, it is simply a scare tactic. If they decide to pursue something, they better have a big legal department as 50+ will be leaving by the end of the year....and I’ll be one of them! Adios!

I’m staying and going to ride it out and see what happens. If people want to leave, let them leave. This should not be a culture or business unit that holds people back; regardless of their desires.