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Whic RP would you find to be an interesting conversationalist on a date?

Sorry, Vag, when I comment, I do it signed in. You are under the delusion that I am the ONLY one who ever disagrees with you and calls you out on it. Newsflash - I'm not the only one who does not kiss your ass in here. Cut that shit out - if I'm going to disagree with you, I won't hide behind anon.

And here's your assumption: "You fucklips have been railing on about those of us who are enjoying our sex life" ---- like those of us married and monogamous are not.

Um Vag that wasn't FT it was me.

Health is what many people take for granted when they have it. Anyone who has cared for someone who is sick/ill knows that everything else is secondary including sex. You have an SO who is obviously devoted and sensitive which is wonderful.

Beyond sex, what is most taken for granted between a man and woman is intimacy. Being close comes in so many forms and communication for me is at the forefront. I had a guy friend who was divorced and complained to us that his ex always made him feel guilty and would withhold sex for this or that reason. What he didn't realize was that for him it was only about sex with little communication and for his ex (wife at the time) it was about her wanting intimacy, sensitivity and just talking first. They never made the connection.

Why do you use so many italics?

I posted a few times here about what a sleezeball Libs is (but deep down he knows he is and that's why he gets so defensive here). Vag! You can do whatever you want. You are single and if you can still get plenty of poontag, go for it. You are not the lying cheating whoring sleeze that Libs is. Honestly, he'd be be lucky to be half the man you are because I think you are a decent guy and a good father. Libs on the other hand is a terrible two time loser husband and I suspect a lousy father based on his priorities and his anger issues.

While I appreciate your compliments let's all take a deep breath and realize that none of us have walked in Libs shoes. All of our lives involve a deception
amd Libs is honest with us - within that deception. He always has been and my bet is, he always will be. I respect that.

While I appreciate your compliments let's all take a deep breath and realize that none of us have walked in Libs shoes. All of our lives involve a deception
amd Libs is honest with us - within that deception. He always has been and my bet is, he always will be. I respect that.

Yeah he's honest with anonymous strangers about his pathetic life and choices but he lies to his wife and his family. Most people wouldn't walk in Lib's shoes because they wouldn't do what his does. To each his own though.

Yeah he's honest with anonymous strangers about his pathetic life and choices but he lies to his wife and his family. Most people wouldn't walk in Lib's shoes because they wouldn't do what his does. To each his own though.

Most of us wouldn't live in Texas either but we all appreciate a good fuck.

Sorry, Vag, when I comment, I do it signed in. You are under the delusion that I am the ONLY one who ever disagrees with you and calls you out on it. Newsflash - I'm not the only one who does not kiss your ass in here. Cut that shit out - if I'm going to disagree with you, I won't hide behind anon.

And here's your assumption: "You fucklips have been railing on about those of us who are enjoying our sex life" ---- like those of us married and monogamous are not.


Yeah he's honest with anonymous strangers about his pathetic life and choices but he lies to his wife and his family. Most people wouldn't walk in Lib's shoes because they wouldn't do what his does. To each his own though.

That is actually an excellent point and I have never thought of it that way. This fucker comes on here proud that he is honest with strangers yet he is the epitome of DIShonest with the person he lives with? Wow!
He won't address any of this because he's an RPussy.

He doesn't HAVE to address it; it's a free world.

And none of you have ever had to live with someone who's a bum fuck.

All is fair in love and war...........

He is busy getting his warts burned off this week.

Nah, burning them never works. They have to be cut off. Obviously I am in the mix, because I have not said much on this thread, yet you keep bringing me into it anonopussy. You would probably love to go out for a drink with me and be fascinated by my stories.