Whic RP would you find to be an interesting conversationalist on a date?

Now Vag, you are assuming again. You're assuming the anons above are married and judging your way of life -- not that they may just be trying to fan the flames a little. You've made another assumption - and it looks JUDGMENTAL to me and that is just because a married person is monogamous that they "aren't having any fun" and that it can't be hot.

Believe it or not, you can have hot married sex. I can't tell what its going to be like after 25 years of marriage yet, but I will tell you that it's still hot and very satisfying.
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There are too many issues on this thread and we could all weigh in, but the bottom line is we all have different lifestyles, beliefs and morals.

Intimacy and sex for me are very important...always were. They jolt your senses and body and continue to stimulate your fantasies at moments when you least expect.

Some people are married and say they have a great sex life. Congrats to them. I mean it. Most of the friends I have say that while happy within their marriage, their sex life sucks. Some go elsewhere, some are miserable and go through the motions. Who gives a shit? Not my business. If they are rocked senseless by a lover, and are happy because of that...they've found heaven on earth for a morning or afternoon or weekend.

Some people equate affairs with STDs. What about single people and the hooking up that occurs probably more frequently that with extramarital affairs? You have to believe that people are smart & mature enough to take precautions. That being said, the only thing I would tell Libs is that his lover is not exactly monogamous. She's not married, she's not dating, she has MULTIPLE and FREQUENT lovers. I'd be careful Libs.

Now Vag, you are assuming again. You're assuming the anons above are married and judging your way of life -- not that they may just be trying to fan the flames a little. You've made another assumption - and it looks JUDGMENTAL to me and that is just because a married person is monogamous that they "aren't having any fun" and that it can't be hot.

Believe it or not, you can have hot married sex. I can't tell what its going to be like after 25 years of marriage yet, but I will tell you that it's still hot and very satisfying.

The problem is that we ALL assume. I think some of us draw the line and don't judge, others do. Assumptions go away when people are educated to something or there is clarification. Judgements are made by people who IMPOSE their will and beliefs on others.

The problem is that we ALL assume. I think some of us draw the line and don't judge, others do. Assumptions go away when people are educated to something or there is clarification. Judgements are made by people who IMPOSE their will and beliefs on others.

Is it ok that I assume you are hot and sexy?How are ya doing Scarlett?MR.F

Now Vag, you are assuming again. You're assuming the anons above are married and judging your way of life -- not that they may just be trying to fan the flames a little. You've made another assumption - and it looks JUDGMENTAL to me and that is just because a married person is monogamous that they "aren't having any fun" and that it can't be hot.

Believe it or not, you can have hot married sex. I can't tell what its going to be like after 25 years of marriage yet, but I will tell you that it's still hot and very satisfying.

I didn't 'assume' shit - it's there in black n white, And when I said 'those of us' I meant all of us - Libs, myself' etc. They pontificate as though anyone having extramarital sex in danger. That's silly.

Why would you even comment here, Vag? I was bashing Libs, not you.

FT, read my lips, I said, "those of us". When you jumped on his cae, you made reference to the idea of increased STDs with all people who have an affair. In fact, they are MUCH more careful than single people. Why? They don't want to take anything home and ruin the affair. :cool:

I posted a few times here about what a sleezeball Libs is (but deep down he knows he is and that's why he gets so defensive here). Vag! You can do whatever you want. You are single and if you can still get plenty of poontag, go for it. You are not the lying cheating whoring sleeze that Libs is. Honestly, he'd be be lucky to be half the man you are because I think you are a decent guy and a good father. Libs on the other hand is a terrible two time loser husband and I suspect a lousy father based on his priorities and his anger issues.

1. Where did GG intimate her SO wanted sex with another woman, and that she'd be OK with it?

2. You told your wife you would be banging strange stuff when you got married? And she still married you? Then SHE's the douche.

3. Just because GG has lost her sex drive now does NOT mean she never had it.

You really are insufferable. Why not go back to Jamaica and STAY there. Just doobie yourself into oblivion and walk into the water, really slow......


This! You notice how Libs jumped all over GG the second she said anything negative about his lifestyle choices. Some of these people crawl up each other's ass to be accepted by them when you know they are disgusted by them. Libs is a classic example. If any one of these people met that dirtbag in real life, they'd be disgusted.

Wow, thanks CP friends. Libs, I'm not picking on you and whatever floats your boat. Good for you if you have accomplished all you set out to. I just think AMs with whores to be a tad nasty.

P.S. I used to have one heck of a sex drive and have had mind blowing, weak-in-the-knees SEX that has lasted all night. Repeatedly to near obsession. In fact, I could go every couple of hours with the right partner. The other poster is correct. I think when we accept the responsibility and commitment of a LT relationship that means in sickness too. Nothing like being unbearably sick to lose the sex drive. The last thing I need is being made to feel guilty over my condition or feel sorry for my SO for not getting any. Thank God he is not that way - sort of. He's still a man. But right now, I do not miss it - the act itself. I still like to be close. I have found that I use to spend way, WAY too much time preoccupied with sex. This is a relief and I have found the time to accomplish more than I ever thought possible.
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Sorry, Vag, when I comment, I do it signed in. You are under the delusion that I am the ONLY one who ever disagrees with you and calls you out on it. Newsflash - I'm not the only one who does not kiss your ass in here. Cut that shit out - if I'm going to disagree with you, I won't hide behind anon.

And here's your assumption: "You fucklips have been railing on about those of us who are enjoying our sex life" ---- like those of us married and monogamous are not.

Nothing like being unbearably sick to lose the sex drive. The last thing I need is being made to feel guilty over my condition or feel sorry for my SO for not getting any. Thank God he is not that way - sort of. He's still a man. But right now, I do not miss it - the act itself. I still like to be close.

Health is what many people take for granted when they have it. Anyone who has cared for someone who is sick/ill knows that everything else is secondary including sex. You have an SO who is obviously devoted and sensitive which is wonderful.

Beyond sex, what is most taken for granted between a man and woman is intimacy. Being close comes in so many forms and communication for me is at the forefront. I had a guy friend who was divorced and complained to us that his ex always made him feel guilty and would withhold sex for this or that reason. What he didn't realize was that for him it was only about sex with little communication and for his ex (wife at the time) it was about her wanting intimacy, sensitivity and just talking first. They never made the connection.

The problem is that men can't hug a woman without getting a hard-on!
They can't talk for long periods of time.
They can't give a massage or caress without wanting to get laid.
THIS (intimacy) is what women want sometimes. Intimacy is what it's all about
cause that brings us close to men to WANT to have sex. That's what you guys need to

Sorry, Vag, when I comment, I do it signed in. You are under the delusion that I am the ONLY one who ever disagrees with you and calls you out on it. Newsflash - I'm not the only one who does not kiss your ass in here. Cut that shit out - if I'm going to disagree with you, I won't hide behind anon.

And here's your assumption: "You fucklips have been railing on about those of us who are enjoying our sex life" ---- like those of us married and monogamous are not.


Now Vag, you are assuming again. You're assuming the anons above are married and judging your way of life -- not that they may just be trying to fan the flames a little. You've made another assumption - and it looks JUDGMENTAL to me and that is just because a married person is monogamous that they "aren't having any fun" and that it can't be hot.

Believe it or not, you can have hot married sex. I can't tell what its going to be like after 25 years of marriage yet, but I will tell you that it's still hot and very satisfying.

Holy shit, I agree 100% with FT!

There are too many issues on this thread and we could all weigh in, but the bottom line is we all have different lifestyles, beliefs and morals.

Intimacy and sex for me are very important...always were. They jolt your senses and body and continue to stimulate your fantasies at moments when you least expect.

Some people are married and say they have a great sex life. Congrats to them. I mean it. Most of the friends I have say that while happy within their marriage, their sex life sucks. Some go elsewhere, some are miserable and go through the motions. Who gives a shit? Not my business. If they are rocked senseless by a lover, and are happy because of that...they've found heaven on earth for a morning or afternoon or weekend.

Some people equate affairs with STDs. What about single people and the hooking up that occurs probably more frequently that with extramarital affairs? You have to believe that people are smart & mature enough to take precautions. That being said, the only thing I would tell Libs is that his lover is not exactly monogamous. She's not married, she's not dating, she has MULTIPLE and FREQUENT lovers. I'd be careful Libs.

Equate affairs to STD's? Who did that? No Dumbass, we are saying when you pay a prostitute like Libs admittedly does without wearing a condom, THAT is equated to STD's! How would you feel if your husband paid a whore for sex and didn't wear a raincoat?