where is my check!

Spoke to law firm last Friday. The nice lady who is handling all the calls said to me that it will take a while because Novartis is going to try and make the payout amount per rep as low as possible, and the lawyers for us will fight to have them payout the highest possible.
Eventually they will have to come to a figure, somewhere in the middle, and then we can get paid.

Also, there is no real numbers yet on payout, so people trying to guess how much are truly clueless.

Did she mention that all sales reps were included in on the payout or did you have to sign the paper to opt-in and if it is also current employees or those just employees to 2007?

I also spoke to Kate Nelson today. The information about having to opt in is 100% correct. Unless you are in NY or CA, or an opt in, you are out of luck. She seemed very annoyed with the amount of Bullshit being spewed on here. Stop spreading rumors, no end is in sight.

Could you provide the phone number so I can find out what I need to do to opt in.

Not sure why everyone is making this so complicated...go to the website for Sanford/whittles in the DC office, ask for Kate Nelson, and you too shall learn the truth! This is for employees that were employed PRIOR to 2007 only, at that time (around 2004) got something in the mail which had to OPT IN to be a part of this class action suit...the only exception is if you lived in NY or CA at that time, then you were automatically included...so stop spreading rumors....these are the facts...live with it.

True, but when the case went to Federal Court, they decided that under federal laws all Novartis sales reps were entitled to overtime pay. This should mean that all sales reps are entitled to it in the class action lawsuit. Call the attorney's office and speak with them. Nothing in the settlement publications point to any single state or states.

True, that's what happened with Velez vs Novartis and the case was issued in NY. All female reps received their checks. It will be a discrimination case is only pick Ca & NY, because it will mean that the only reps who worked overtime were them? I dont think so. If you read the news this action also will afect all pharma company. For example Sanofi reps will have digital finger print in their iPads to punch as work in and work out. We all are sales reps and all have worked overtime here!

Good lord, this lawsuit has been going on for over 7 years...settle on a figure for months of service during the timeline in question and get on with it. Isn't there some kind of time limit imposed on Novartis?