Whom ever said they talked to Carl is BULLSHITTING! there is no amount allocated to employees yet because nothing has been settled! Get your facts straight!
Call Kate Nelson at 202-742-7453 at the law firm...I just did. this suit is different than the gender...unless you lived in NY or CA, you had to OPT IN to be a part of the class...the deadline was 2007. These are the facts, so stop the money to those of you who did not OPT IN or do not live in NY or CA...period!
Spoke to Carl as well........ He told me that the amount awarded to reps would be in the arena of $1300 and that every rep is entitled to it.
Approx a grand per month for each month worked for folks who were with company from 04- now. Check coming 2012. It may even be 1300 but I have had contact as well with the firm. It's been so long since I have contacted them. I'm sure the company will appeal.
I also spoke to Kate Nelson today. The information about having to opt in is 100% correct. Unless you are in NY or CA, or an opt in, you are out of luck. She seemed very annoyed with the amount of Bullshit being spewed on here. Stop spreading rumors, no end is in sight.
Well, what if we were never asked to opt-in? I suspect most of us would have opted in given the opportunity. A lot of us were employed during those dates that were effected by excessive overtime. If I'm not included because I didn't opt in then I will likely pursue further legal action.
Well, what if we were never asked to opt-in? I suspect most of us would have opted in given the opportunity. A lot of us were employed during those dates that were effected by excessive overtime. If I'm not included because I didn't opt in then I will likely pursue further legal action.
Just checked the mail and got a letter stating that i will receive an award @ 1319.74 a month for the last 47 months!!!! payment coming January 12th. Good luck to all!!!!