Where do you rank Merial?

I have never heard the morale so low in this company! Merial management is arrogant to say the least. If a better opportunity comes along I know many of us are out of here! Merial could care less if there is high turnover, they will save money in salaries over the long haul. Every rep on here needs to tell the rest of the sales force about this board to communicate. Spread the word.

All companies have their problems, but when we hear the same lies coming from the eastcoast, westcoat and middle of the company there has to be more to it than taking the "high road"...Also, many reps have switch from Bayer to Merial and from Merial to Bayer, seems they did not have any problems selling the other products, not if you are good.

switching from Bayer to Merial is a no brainer

I have never heard the morale so low in this company! Merial management is arrogant to say the least. If a better opportunity comes along I know many of us are out of here! Merial could care less if there is high turnover, they will save money in salaries over the long haul. Every rep on here needs to tell the rest of the sales force about this board to communicate. Spread the word.

morale was much lower when mike was near the top

"There is no way I could sell any other companies vaccines after selling the technology of merials vaccine (night and day)"

Puh-leeeze! I work for a competitor and would agree with you about all the other products and generally being a good company right up until this point about the vx! This is the company who had to recall ALL of their canine vx about five yrs ago,(for bovine antigen contamintion I believe) and who hasn't introduced a significantly new vx in years! (& don't give me the crap about VetJect FeLV, whose only challenge data takes place 40 or so days post vx!)
Oh and lets not forget their stance on extended AAHA style protocols:
Don't worry, our annual vx are good enough! (despite a lack of any challenge data to prove this) Not to mention one of the WORST product labels on a lyme vx! Recombinant tech is not the only game in town (or exclusive to Merial) nor is it the best in all cases.

Merial is fine, so are Pfizer, Ft Dodge, Bayer, Novartis...it all depends are how ethical you want to be..some reps/companies are more so than others. Merial is not on the top of that list in any way, shape or form. Good luck.

I have never heard the morale so low in this company! Merial management is arrogant to say the least. If a better opportunity comes along I know many of us are out of here! Merial could care less if there is high turnover, they will save money in salaries over the long haul. Every rep on here needs to tell the rest of the sales force about this board to communicate. Spread the word.

Funny you say that...
My friend told me about this board and I am cracking up until I read yours. Every word is true! The arrogance and pontification that goes on at the corporate level is SCARY! Merial is not what I expected...

Actually, Intervet is#1 worldwide; however, Merial does a good job in the US with Frontline and Heartguard. The idiot that said Merial was #1 was "drinking the kool-aide" or ignorant and new to the industry. All companies have good products - some better than others....just like reps. Some ( like me ) see the "big" picture - while others are blinded.

Coming from a competitor, I can tell you Merial pays more money, however the competitor has better bennies. And I cant be sure that I am actually making more money, whose to say that if I hadn't worked at Merial then flipped to the compeition, that they wouldn't have paid me more than I was earning at Merial?

It all comes down to you manager, period. They can either keep you from burining under upper managements micromanagement, or they can throw you into the flames. Look for a good manager, but dont count on them being around for too long.

There is one developed, but not on the market yet. Will be coming in the near future & not from Merial.

I'm seeking to either buy such a product white label and market my own brand or sell my unique ownership of an [shall we say unnamed item] to such a developer.

If you can pm me contact info for where i can buy a really great flea / tick product white label or better yet, the name of the business development person behind this soon to be launch ... it might be i could be of help to them.


I'm seeking to either buy such a product white label and market my own brand or sell my unique ownership of an [shall we say unnamed item] to such a developer.

If you can pm me contact info for where i can buy a really great flea / tick product white label or better yet, the name of the business development person behind this soon to be launch ... it might be i could be of help to them.



I would rank Merial at very very low. What's the lowest scale?

Guys, you do NOT want to work there! Walk away, Run Away and never look back.
Management at Merial is terrible. Low class (including HR) management make up one of the worst corporate cultures. You can not be impressed with their culture or credentials, which speaks volume.
When will they notice it at Merck? This Company will go bankrupt b/c of it's Management. All the decent people have left the Company (including myself) already.

I am happy I don't have to put up with bastards in Merial's management anymore. Don't let them to destroy your life and bring you down, even for a short time! There're a lot of better companies out there.