I've received an offer from Merial. In your opinon, how does Merial rank in terms of good companies to work relative to other AH companies?
Merial is the best part time job in the world. They got our territories down to 80 accounts, half of which actually have any potential. If you can't call on 40 accounts and still play golf, coach kid sports, do your shopping during the day you must really be lazy. You can easily do the job by working part time, this darn GPS will screw things up. We had a good thing going until now.
What does this GPS do?
Correction: Merial is the #1 Litigious Crybaby company.
I have worked for merial for quite some time. I have also worked for other an health companies. Yes, Merial has its problems (corporate crap) but so does other companies. Merial does not want you to bad mouth the enemy. They actually stress taking the high road. If you do work for Merial it would make it very hard to switch to another company. Why you ask....... Merials products are second to none. After selling frontline how could anyone go sell something like advantix? Heartgard to Interceptor (Not as bad ). There is no way I could sell any other companies vaccines after selling the technology of merials vaccine (night and day).