Where do you rank Merial?

As someone who has dealt with Merial on a business basis, I rate them lower than a convicted drug dealer who post-prison tries to turn his hand to selling cars. DON'T TRUST WHAT THEY SAY OR ANYTHING THEY GIVE YOU IN WRITING. IT S WORTHLESS. A COMPANY COMPLETELY LACKING IN ETHICS.

As someone who has dealt with Merial on a business basis, I rate them lower than a convicted drug dealer who post-prison tries to turn his hand to selling cars. DON'T TRUST WHAT THEY SAY OR ANYTHING THEY GIVE YOU IN WRITING. IT S WORTHLESS. A COMPANY COMPLETELY LACKING IN ETHICS.

Bullshit!!! I deal with this company and they are the best of the bunch. It sounds to me like you are one of those clinics that don't to pay their bills on time. So instead you bitch about anything to cover up your poor paying practices. Merial reps bend over backwards to mAke things right.4

As someone who has dealt with Merial on a business basis, I rate them lower than a convicted drug dealer who post-prison tries to turn his hand to selling cars. DON'T TRUST WHAT THEY SAY OR ANYTHING THEY GIVE YOU IN WRITING. IT S WORTHLESS. A COMPANY COMPLETELY LACKING IN ETHICS.

So says a disgruntled employee...or ex employee

If its in writing, fool, its pretty clear cut. Unless its on CafePharma....then it doesn't matter what you read, its all just one big ventfest.

Merial is as ethical as any other business out there. And by the way, Jerk, what's wrong with selling cars? Some Toyota dealer turn YOU down for a job????