Where are they now?

The poster that thinks there's an "if" associated with Pharmaderm remaining, that Veregen can be taken away at any point for no reason, and that this is a division that's losing money has no credibility....certainly has no rightto question anyone else's "business sense". You can't bash someone else's credibility once you lose your own.

you wake up chicken little, the sky isn't falling.the crap you're throwing around to support your argument isn't even true...division that's losing money? False. If the division remains? False. We could lose Veregen because we don't own it? False. I can't believe all that doomsday bullshit. I bet if I was selling a fallout shelter you'd be interested because the end of the world is coming too, right? What you claim to know about business only holds weight on cafepharma. #youropinionisignoredintherealworld

I will take the Delux fallout shelter you are selling, because this company will downsize soon, once Solaraze is gone. It doesn't make any business sense to keep 15-20% of the sales staff on board when Solaraze is gone. Not enough money coming in for oxi and veregen to pay some of these salaries. You don't have to believe me now. But you will when it happens. Good luck to all.

The naïveté of some people is truly astounding. Fougera is making its numbers, Pharmaderm is not. THAT is a fact. Pharmaderm IS outsourcing sales rep positions. THAT is a fact. Solaraze IS going generic. THAT is a fact. There isn't enough of a remaining branded portfolio to support the number of sales reps we have so a down-size IS coming. The timing is likely to be 4Q when the powers that be will be looking for more ways to slow/stop the bleeding before year end.
This isn't a doomsday prophecy, it's an anticipated result based on an analysis of facts.

The last poster nailed it. Thanks finally someone who gets it. PharmaDerm is down and has been down. Fougera is fine. pharmaDerm will be a shell of itself by year end. JW is not solely responsible but has contributed zero. I posted a year ago he was in way over his head. The decline in Rx and turnover under his reign has been significant. I thought they promoted him because they thought the reps would stay but even that has failed.

We hear you are moving on at the end of the month so why are you trashing people you are leaving behind? That's really tacky.
We are all worrying about being down-sized. You already have a new job so just shut up and have a little class, if that's possible.

Nobody in Meliville feels safe. I only dealt with him for a short while but he was not nice to those of us here.

Nobody in Meliville feels safe. I only dealt with him for a short while but he was not nice to those of us here.

This isn't about Melville/Fougera, it's about Pharmaderm. Melville is far safer than anyone in Pharmaderm and I think your post is about trying to take the spotlight off of you. Move on already, you have your Novartis job so just go away.

Oh the truth is noone has any idea what will happen with Pharmaderm! When will Solaraze go generic, noone knows! Are there any new derm products in the pipeline? Noone again knows! Can the sales force sustain just selling Veregen and Oxistat with another product added to the bag and remain profitable, noone again knows! All this BS is just speculation on the part of bitter ex or current unhappy employees. Post some proof that Pharmaderm reps are truly in danger or just go away. Just supply proof instead of insane rantings!

Oh the truth is noone has any idea what will happen with Pharmaderm! When will Solaraze go generic, noone knows! Are there any new derm products in the pipeline? Noone again knows! Can the sales force sustain just selling Veregen and Oxistat with another product added to the bag and remain profitable, noone again knows! All this BS is just speculation on the part of bitter ex or current unhappy employees. Post some proof that Pharmaderm reps are truly in danger or just go away. Just supply proof instead of insane rantings!

Proof? Solaraze WILL go generic. Pharmaderm IS outsourcing it's sales force. No healthy company does that if they believe in the long term health of a division. Believe what you wish, but you dont have to be an ex or unhappy employee to see the obvious. You just have to have a brain.

So many companies are outsourcing today. Inventiv is working with many specialty companies. That argument is meaningless!

Really? Why do YOU know the name of the outsource company? You've just confirmed what everyone suspected. It's not a meaningless argument when they are hired to fill the gaps in a failing division. To claim otherwise means you are a management lackey, you have no business acumen or both.