When will GG resign?

Earnings call was quite alarming. Administering that reps coach on reimbursment, doctors test the products and compare to rep guidance on reimbursement and all 45 plus sales reps that left to sell against them, was misleading as they were all promoted. How are these guys not in jail yet?

Earnings call was quite alarming. Administering that reps coach on reimbursment, doctors test the products and compare to rep guidance on reimbursement and all 45 plus sales reps that left to sell against them, was misleading as they were all promoted. How are these guys not in jail yet?

It isnt GG but those reporting to him and waht they are telling GG. The sad part is GG beleives them.

If you look at the disclosed stock trading you will see that he was selling covered options in 2022 and continues to dump his share periodically. Average employees are not getting stock option. He is bleeding this place slowly

Agreed!!! The haters on this board are sheep who have lost their way. Instead of working to do better, they waste their time and energy getting lost in their complaints. How idiotic is that?

Yes yes, so idiotic to hold failing leaderships accountable. But hey, you’re just putting your head down and doing the work right? Wait, who’s the sheep?​

GG doesn’t deserve this hate. He saved this company

GG had one goal and one goal only when he was installed into CEO by his handlers; provide the original Investors an avenue to cash out on their 3 decade long money pit. Through a lucky break with Passthrough, questionable SPAC, and selling on the Spread he accomplished that.

Unfortunately, sometime around the time he was getting braces, Botox, and promoting his kids, he took his eye of the ball and put too much faith in the boy wonder, Mr. Fo Hawk, and it all came crashing down.

GG had one goal and one goal only when he was installed into CEO by his handlers; provide the original Investors an avenue to cash out on their 3 decade long money pit. Through a lucky break with Passthrough, questionable SPAC, and selling on the Spread he accomplished that.

Unfortunately, sometime around the time he was getting braces, Botox, and promoting his kids, he took his eye of the ball and put too much faith in the boy wonder, Mr. Fo Hawk, and it all came crashing down.

mic drop. he aint wrong.

does faux hawk get cco job in any other public company? think and answer that.