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when is ur next expected major lay off?


hi on the outside here, interviewing but not sure why.. when does actos actually go generic..

do you how many are you expecting of your 1700 to lay off..


probably shouldnt even apply here


hi on the outside here, interviewing but not sure why.. when does actos actually go generic..

do you how many are you expecting of your 1700 to lay off..


probably shouldnt even apply here

Actos goes generic in a few months
Plus it may have a relationship w/bladder cancer
Amitiza may be lost in a few months
Colchicine (a highly toxic drug)was generic and now is Takeda branded so it costs 5 to 7 as much
Uloric for gout has no efficacy advantage over allopurinol / none
Astra will have a new gout drug that Rheums/nephs are salivating over
Dex has no advantage over Nexium/none. Nexium will be generic in a little over a year

Takeda has poor sales training, zero career development, and the worst mgt in the business

If you're an A player it's a waste of time

Actos goes generic in a few months
Plus it may have a relationship w/bladder cancer
Amitiza may be lost in a few months
Colchicine (a highly toxic drug)was generic and now is Takeda branded so it costs 5 to 7 as much
Uloric for gout has no efficacy advantage over allopurinol / none
Astra will have a new gout drug that Rheums/nephs are salivating over
Dex has no advantage over Nexium/none. Nexium will be generic in a little over a year

Takeda has poor sales training, zero career development, and the worst mgt in the business

If you're an A player it's a waste of time

What the above poster fails to mention is that we still get paid a lot of money to do next to nothing. There is no accountability here. Most in the field (myself included) work at most 20 hour weeks. We do have layoffs every year or two, but when you're only working half weeks it really doesn't matter. Yes, our products suck and doc's don't want to see you but all you need to do is get your signatures and then head to the golf course, beach, little league practice, shopping at the mall...

This is a great place to work if you want work life balance.

Don't let the above poster scare you away.

Actos goes generic in a few months
Plus it may have a relationship w/bladder cancer
Amitiza may be lost in a few months
Colchicine (a highly toxic drug)was generic and now is Takeda branded so it costs 5 to 7 as much
Uloric for gout has no efficacy advantage over allopurinol / none
Astra will have a new gout drug that Rheums/nephs are salivating over
Dex has no advantage over Nexium/none. Nexium will be generic in a little over a year

Takeda has poor sales training, zero career development, and the worst mgt in the business

If you're an A player it's a waste of time

Don't listen to the poster above. This is the best place in the world to work. We get paid very large base salaries and have absolutely no accountability. Most only working 15 to 20 hours a week. Just get the signatures you need then head out to the golf course, beach, little league practice, movie, shopping mall... Work life balance here is fantastic. Home office doesn't have to work on Friday afternoons in summer.

It's true our drugs suck and doc's don't want to see us, but who cares. We do have layoffs every year or two but that's to be expected with crappy products and no accountability for reps. Managers know the drill too. When my manager works with me she comes in late and leaves early. We spend most of the days having long lunches and figuring out "strategic things".

You'll love it here if you get hired. Don't listen to the dolt post above.

hi on the outside here, interviewing but not sure why.. when does actos actually go generic..

do you how many are you expecting of your 1700 to lay off..


probably shouldnt even apply here

You're too stupid to work here, which is saying a lot. Please don't apply here. McDonald's is hiring.

thanks managment for making it seem like we have it so good here

Lay offs every year- whoever is running this company needs their head examined..we have some great products but the marketing is all wrong and the prices are all sky hi....

Uloric IS NO different that allop- docs know its all lies and why we arent moving any market share..and now we buy another brilliant drug like colcrys......

thanks managment for making it seem like we have it so good here

Lay offs every year- whoever is running this company needs their head examined..we have some great products but the marketing is all wrong and the prices are all sky hi....

Uloric IS NO different that allop- docs know its all lies and why we arent moving any market share..and now we buy another brilliant drug like colcrys......

Uloric is only different when you double it's dose and leave that of Allopurinol the same.
Colchicine is a total rip off.

Don't listen to the poster above. This is the best place in the world to work. We get paid very large base salaries and have absolutely no accountability. Most only working 15 to 20 hours a week. Just get the signatures you need then head out to the golf course, beach, little league practice, movie, shopping mall... Work life balance here is fantastic. Home office doesn't have to work on Friday afternoons in summer.

It's true our drugs suck and doc's don't want to see us, but who cares. We do have layoffs every year or two but that's to be expected with crappy products and no accountability for reps. Managers know the drill too. When my manager works with me she comes in late and leaves early. We spend most of the days having long lunches and figuring out "strategic things".

You'll love it here if you get hired. Don't listen to the dolt post above.

Great attitude - I'm sure your kids are very proud of you...hopefully you're not their role model for working hard and feeling porud of what you do.

Don't listen to the poster above. This is the best place in the world to work. We get paid very large base salaries and have absolutely no accountability. Most only working 15 to 20 hours a week. Just get the signatures you need then head out to the golf course, beach, little league practice, movie, shopping mall... Work life balance here is fantastic. Home office doesn't have to work on Friday afternoons in summer.

It's true our drugs suck and doc's don't want to see us, but who cares. We do have layoffs every year or two but that's to be expected with crappy products and no accountability for reps. Managers know the drill too. When my manager works with me she comes in late and leaves early. We spend most of the days having long lunches and figuring out "strategic things".

You'll love it here if you get hired. Don't listen to the dolt post above.


Takeda won the arbitration with Sucampo! Sucampo's claims were "denied in all respects" by the unanimous decision of a panel of three arbitrators! Takeda retains the right to market Amitiza until December 2020.

Actos goes generic in a few months
Plus it may have a relationship w/bladder cancer
Amitiza may be lost in a few months
Colchicine (a highly toxic drug)was generic and now is Takeda branded so it costs 5 to 7 as much
Uloric for gout has no efficacy advantage over allopurinol / none
Astra will have a new gout drug that Rheums/nephs are salivating over
Dex has no advantage over Nexium/none. Nexium will be generic in a little over a year

Takeda has poor sales training, zero career development, and the worst mgt in the business

If you're an A player it's a waste of time

Thank you - it is refreshing to hear the truth spoken. All stated is accurate.

Great attitude - I'm sure your kids are very proud of you...hopefully you're not their role model for working hard and feeling porud of what you do.

Actually, I am! They appreciate the quality time I spend able to spend with them during the week. Furthermore, honesty in admitting that Takeda and a pharma is a dead end career is healthy. Why pretend they job is more than what it is?

Actually, I am! They appreciate the quality time I spend able to spend with them during the week. Furthermore, honesty in admitting that Takeda and a pharma is a dead end career is healthy. Why pretend they job is more than what it is?

So true. We're nothing but sample droppers and proficient at fictious call logging. Most of the time we just hand the signature pad to the nurse and hope to get a half a second with the doc as he is signing on the other side of the window or desk. Many times we don't even see him. I get maybe one or two actual 2 to 5 minute "product discussions" every two weeks. Some in my district can't even see a doctor for a week at a time. Just give the signature pad to the nurse and rack up them signatures. It's all about activity and logging those fake calls when you can't get a physician to sign for samples.

hi on the outside here, interviewing but not sure why.. when does actos actually go generic..

do you how many are you expecting of your 1700 to lay off..


probably shouldnt even apply here

Our next layoff will be shortly before or right after Actos goes generic. That will be late August.

I hope that information helps you make your decision.

Good luck to you. I know it is a difficult job market out there.

Our next layoff will be shortly before or right after Actos goes generic. That will be late August.

I hope that information helps you make your decision.

Good luck to you. I know it is a difficult job market out there.

Are you making this comment on assumption or are you privy to inside information?

Are you making this comment on assumption or are you privy to inside information?

I am privy to inside information. I get all of the "scoop" early, but sometimes don't release it. Lay-offs will begin August 7th. Its not going to be pretty this time around. The severance package will not even be close to January 2012. Put your seat belts on, its gonna be a scary ride.

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