When is awd getting the axe??

Just happened today. The people who had to work 3 times as much to push an inferior product but still converted lots of biz in an ongoing struggle get canned, after the FDA shuts down division because of lies. The people with a monopolistic product for Debridement, and those who sell band aids are retained. Eventually, to the Pozers that make such decisions, Karma will be a B.

I just do not get it. Santyl is going to be the saviour? The product is a dog and has been around forever, yet we think it can generate enough new business. I cannot believe this significant sales force expansion is viable. The docs hate this product. Only up side is if we can transition all of the down-sized reps into one of these new positions so they can have an income until.....
Healthpoint products...joke of the industry

I just do not get it. Santyl is going to be the saviour? The product is a dog and has been around forever, yet we think it can generate enough new business. I cannot believe this significant sales force expansion is viable. The docs hate this product. Only up side is if we can transition all of the down-sized reps into one of these new positions so they can have an income until.....
Healthpoint products...joke of the industry

Oasis is nothing more than a mirage.

It is young smart ass losers as yourself that if they took your kool aid infused brain and placed it into a rodent's rectum, it would be similar to searching for a BB in the Grand Canyon.

I heaSanryiz going to be the face of SNN moving forward. Good luck with this pharmaceutical approach moving forward. It's amazing how fast this company/division has gone down hill in 6 short months. This is the blind leading the blind with BA at the helm.

I just do not get it. Santyl is going to be the saviour? The product is a dog and has been around forever, yet we think it can generate enough new business. I cannot believe this significant sales force expansion is viable. The docs hate this product. Only up side is if we can transition all of the down-sized reps into one of these new positions so they can have an income until.....
Healthpoint products...joke of the industry

The docs hate the product but yet it is up 25% in that segment. Not sure how that is if they hate it so much...

2 reasons for being up 25 percent. It is a monopoly for it's intended purpose, they raised the price 90 percent. That will grow biz 25 percent. Soon to hit wall due to reimbursement, but these clowns do not see it.