When is awd getting the axe??

Brad Adams is a twat. He has no idea wtf is going on. There are 31 people who are losing their jobs today. He is on a conference call telling people how happy and fantastic he is. F-in douche canoe! This is a blessing in disguise that I got laid off this morning. This company and division is slowly going down in flames. I am gladly going to sit back and watch the shit show.

Within one year, this so called realigned machine for success, will be one enormous cluster. I just love the vernacular of BS, these "leaders" put out to the group.

Brad Adams is not leader I would follow. ... He didn't have the nerve to announce some displacements on the Conf call.. Instead he acted like our future is great and announced job expansions. Then he had managers call to do the dirty work. Brad Adams is a pussy and he lost my respect. Brad Adams should have manned up like Franciou when they announced the closing of the st. pete's office where they atleast verbalized compassion for the displaced or future displaced. His crafted messaging just show's his lack of integrity. Brad Adams your a douche bag and as a son of a pastor you sure didn't display the character and empathy of what your dad would have shown. I hope this message will change your character in the future and not sell a message of prosperity when you cut off people who left good jobs to come here. It wasn't your fault that negative pressure was a disaster but you should have handled the conference call better and I hope you learn from this unpleasant experience. You made people think they were safe just like Jim Jones, then the kool aid came... I was expecting layoffs but your conference call tone of excitement was unacceptable. My trust in corporate America and honesty just moved to greater levels of disfunction. I thought I like you and appreciate your past transparency but your conference call script was a scam.. I apologize for calling you "pussy" and "douche bag" but I use these names to help describe your behavior.

Brad Adams is not leader I would follow. ... He didn't have the nerve to announce some displacements on the Conf call.. Instead he acted like our future is great and announced job expansions. Then he had managers call to do the dirty work. Brad Adams is a pussy and he lost my respect. Brad Adams should have manned up like Franciou when they announced the closing of the st. pete's office where they atleast verbalized compassion for the displaced or future displaced. His crafted messaging just show's his lack of integrity. Brad Adams your a douche bag and as a son of a pastor you sure didn't display the character and empathy of what your dad would have shown. I hope this message will change your character in the future and not sell a message of prosperity when you cut off people who left good jobs to come here. It wasn't your fault that negative pressure was a disaster but you should have handled the conference call better and I hope you learn from this unpleasant experience. You made people think they were safe just like Jim Jones, then the kool aid came... I was expecting layoffs but your conference call tone of excitement was unacceptable. My trust in corporate America and honesty just moved to greater levels of disfunction. I thought I like you and appreciate your past transparency but your conference call script was a scam.. I apologize for calling you "pussy" and "douche bag" but I use these names to help describe your behavior.


Brad is a great leader and the corporation did what they could to keep the head count neutral. Positions are available in many areas and sometimes a change in location is a very positive thing. If Smith and Nephew is your long term choice make the sacrifice and apply for one of the many openings. To place all of the events that unfolded this week on the shoulders of Brad would be unjust.

Brad is NOT a great leader. He might be a good leader in the pharmaceutical approach to selling OASIS but this approach is going to fail miserable in selling NPWT. Listen, I get it...we work in volatile industry that is known for cuts and layoffs, blah, blah, blah but the lay offs that took place on Wednesday made no business sense at all. Explain the rationale when the top AWD reps were let go to keep OASIS reps who have NEVER sold NPWT. SNN lost a lot of great people on Wednesday and its shame what this division has turned into since June. SNN supposedly bought Healthpoint, yet Healthpoint have made all decisions. Makes you wonder...

Brad is a great leader and the corporation did what they could to keep the head count neutral. Positions are available in many areas and sometimes a change in location is a very positive thing. If Smith and Nephew is your long term choice make the sacrifice and apply for one of the many openings. To place all of the events that unfolded this week on the shoulders of Brad would be unjust.

Thanks for the input HR

Brad is NOT a great leader. He might be a good leader in the pharmaceutical approach to selling OASIS but this approach is going to fail miserable in selling NPWT. Listen, I get it...we work in volatile industry that is known for cuts and layoffs, blah, blah, blah but the lay offs that took place on Wednesday made no business sense at all. Explain the rationale when the top AWD reps were let go to keep OASIS reps who have NEVER sold NPWT. SNN lost a lot of great people on Wednesday and its shame what this division has turned into since June. SNN supposedly bought Healthpoint, yet Healthpoint have made all decisions. Makes you wonder...

This is the S&N way of doing things. Look at what's been going on in the other divisions for years. Let the good ones go. Keep the clueless, inexperienced yes people around to do the bidding of the even more inept, yes people in management. No better example than the Sports Med franchise. The clueless and inept continue to advance while those who don't conform to their idea of how things should be done are put to the curb for no goo reason except that they actually gave a shit and spoke their minds. for all the talk of a Stryker acquisition of this sorry ass organization, there are a lot of people who better hope that it doesn't happen.

Brad is a great leader and the corporation did what they could to keep the head count neutral. Positions are available in many areas and sometimes a change in location is a very positive thing. If Smith and Nephew is your long term choice make the sacrifice and apply for one of the many openings. To place all of the events that unfolded this week on the shoulders of Brad would be unjust.

You are a pretentious fool. If this Brad is a son of a pastor, then perhaps he is a Pharisee, those that pretend to present something to be heard and observed, but the bottom line is they are self serving hypocrites. Brad flat out lied (and do not give this BS that his vernacular said differently with cleverly massaged words). In understandable words, not corporate syntax, he bellowed out that positionally speaking, all positions would remain in place. Brad, perhaps you, as the hypocritical Pharisees heard, know that you reap what you sow. Leader, are you kidding me?

You are a pretentious fool. If this Brad is a son of a pastor, then perhaps he is a Pharisee, those that pretend to present something to be heard and observed, but the bottom line is they are self serving hypocrites. Brad flat out lied (and do not give this BS that his vernacular said differently with cleverly massaged words). In understandable words, not corporate syntax, he bellowed out that positionally speaking, all positions would remain in place. Brad, perhaps you, as the hypocritical Pharisees heard, know that you reap what you sow. Leader, are you kidding me?

Great response.. I wrote that original message with hope that he will turn from his ways of being a Pharisee. His conference call has been that biggest false hope I have ever heard... I had no choice but to call him out on his ways.. I hope he repents and finds the truth that his dad preached.. Brad is not a bad person, but he is an untrusted leader who needs to be more honest in the future...

Heard that there was a new training class for AWD that were told this past Wed that they can go home as their short tenure with SN was over. Real class. These people were probably on the Nat Conf Call that same morning when this moron told them that all jobs were being retained. Lying is disgusting.