yes, may is correct. i talked to the claims persona and we WILL get award letter in april and payment in may 2011. the severance agreement has NO effect on wether you will be paid or not.
So what you are saying is if you were employed in the years 2002 through 2010 you get $200 back pay for all months, even the second half of 2010 and even if you opted out?
Did those who did not opt out receive something additional in the mail after the first notice we received last summer?
Wander if they confirmed those who opted out?
I am one of the original plaintiffs...we got a letter stating that as of last count, only 6 women had opted out of the suit...out of approximately 6,200 women in the class....what does that tell you Novartis???
Good luck to all..
Thank you for the courage to come forth on our behalf! I know you and the other original plaintiffs have faced a lot of accusations, speculations and disbelief with respect to this suit. Thank you for your courage to stand up as I didn't have that courage to do so!
Really? You. Think we'll get $200 for each month worked? If you were employed the entire time, that's over $20,000. I heard earlier it would be more like $6000. Does anyone really know? And I'm talking about if you didn't try to get any additional.
Yes that sounds correct. 200 per month is the back pay award that everyone receives unless they opted out. Anything beyond that for the discrimination rider and medical rider are up to the claims administrator. My understanding is that the backpay award is taxed because it is treated as salary. The other awards won't be taxed as pay by novartis but would probably have some type of tax implication when you do your taxes next year.
Ha ha! "It's in the mail", honey. Get me a beer . . .
If you were employed the entire time it will be around $20,000 before taxes.
It will be taxed so it should be around $12-14
Thank you for the courage to come forth on our behalf! I know you and the other original plaintiffs have faced a lot of accusations, speculations and disbelief with respect to this suit. Thank you for your courage to stand up as I didn't have that courage to do so!